Jan 2012
Jan 2012
The brain is an important point of all beings, the central management of information, liaison and thoughts, emotions, and actions. In addition to the main and most important in our body, the brain was still the least understood than other body parts.
The brain still keeps many mysteries that still exists and remains unresolved to this day, for example about memories, why do we need to sleep and have dreams? what is consciousness, all the answers to these questions there is no fixed and definite answer. But there are many facts about the brain that has been uncovered, but not much is known.
Here are 5 unique things about the human brain:
Fact 1: The brain consumes most of our body's energy
Although it weighs only 2% of all our weight, the brain requires 15% of cardiac output and 20% of the total intake of oxygen into the body. More interestingly, a large amount of oxygen is still needed when the brain berisitirahat, and still not well known answer to the question, why the need is still there. To supply this need, it takes three main arteries, and if one of these traffic arteries, stroke is the definitive answer! In addition to energy, our brains also need a big skull and luxurious when compared with other limbs.
Fact 2: Your brain is fully grown at age 7 years
The development of complex and difficult is not in doubt. Our brains are 95% of its full size at age 7 years. This development may answer the question why the energy into the brain at the age of 2 years already requires energy for the adult brain.
Male brains larger than female brains. But, that does not mean that there are certain advantages to those who have larger brains. This difference is emerging even as certain developments in certain areas. For example, women have a larger hippocampus, which has to do with the smell and memory, while men tend to have amygdala and hypothalamus is greater.
Fact 3: The brain does not feel pain
Why people can be brain surgery without anesthesia? Obviously! The brain does not have pain receptors, and consequently can not feel pain at all! The headache is not due to the stimulation of pain receptors in the brain, but in the lining of the brain, called durameter, which is filled with pain receptors, and durameter this is what we feel pain when dizzy. Therefore, there are loads of kinds of headaches, and the cause is still not clear, so if we say the main cause of headache, is not clear!
Fact 4: We use more than 10% of brain
Talk we only use 10% of our brain, there is absolutely not true! Various tracking techniques of the brain showed that most had not kept silent. Various activities are complicated to use the majority of these brain. By observing the effects of head trauma, is shown also that there is no area in the brain that may suffer damage in the absence of effects. The slightest damage, the effect will be large, so in other words, we actually use most of our brain, and possibly, all of them!
Fact 5: Brain cells regenerate
Mystery, of course, comes from a variety of myths. Another thing that we might know about the brain, and is growing for a century, says that brain cells do not regenerate. But, a decade later, it is known that brain cells can repair themselves.
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