The history of guitar music instrument can be traced back to as far as ~ 4.000 years ago. How the evolution of a musical instrument which we now call the guitar? Consider the following article.
Ancestors Guitar: Harp Or Lira?
As mentioned above, the history of the guitar can be traced back to about 4.000 years ago. Many developing theories about the ancestral musical instrument guitar. The most popular theory is that musical instruments have evolved from the harp guitar (bahasa: lute, Arabic: oud). Harp is a musical instrument that comes from a civilized country Moorish Arabs. Lute was first introduced in Europe through Spain, the original harp is a short-necked stringed instruments without frets and has a great body with lots of strings. Later on the Europeans added frets and gave him a name derived from the vocabulary of Arabic lute al'ud which means the wood.
The second theory is developed about the ancestral guitar is a theory which says that the guitar came from a musical instrument lira (English: lyre, Greek: khitara). Lira is a very popular musical instrument in ancient Greek civilization, a stringed musical instrument shaped like a horn to stretch the string and a round body made of tortoise shell. Harp musical instrument belonging to the family of this instrument. This theory will be based similarity between khitara with guitarra name is a Spanish vocabulary words from which the guitar (guitar) came from.
But a study conducted by Dr.. Michael Kasha in the 1960's to confront all these theories. Uniquely Dr. Michael Kasha is a physicist and chemist who founded the Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Florida State University (FSU), but has a very great interest to the musical instrument guitar.
Dr. Michael Kasha states is very strange if the instrument (which initially had four strings) comes from a musical instrument that tends lira boxy and has a 7 string. He even suggested that the guitar may be descended from a common ancestor with a lira, lira instead of itself. The word comes from the vocabulary of Persian khitara chartar Hellenistic culture which has influenced during the conquest of Alexander the Great.
The Archaeological Review
The first stringed instrument known by archaeologists is tanbur harp and bowl. It is known that since prehistoric times humans have been making noises by using a simple harp made of tortoise shell and a pumpkin as a form of resonator and neck curved to associate one or more strings.
Lira Queen Shub-Ad of Ur
Lira Queen Shub-Ad of Ur
Instrument of this kind have been found and some of the oldest civilizations originated from the Sumerian, Babylonian and ancient Egyptian. Around the year from 2.500 to 2.000 BC began popping musical instruments of this type of lire more sophisticated, such as the 11 string lyre decorated with gold ornaments. One is the Lira Queen Shub-Ad was found in Ur, derived from the ancient Sumerian civilization.
While tanbur is defined as a long-necked stringed instruments and has a small round bodies which are usually made of wood. It is estimated that this instrument evolved from the harp bowl created by modifying a longer neck to reach a wider musical notation. A wall painting found in Thebes, Egypt from about 1.420 BC shows a group of musicians who play the harp and tanbur along with other instruments like flute and percussion.
Wall Paintings A group of musicians from Thebes
Wall Paintings A group of musicians from Thebes
Besides the archaeological also found several similar paintings derived from the Persian culture of Mesopotamia. Some instruments are painted even still be found today in the form of traditional musical instruments of Turkish society, Iran, Afghanistan and Greece.
Similar Instruments Guitar Oldest That Still Intact
Instruments like guitars oldest still intact and are found in modern times is an about 3.500-year-old tanbur belonged to an Egyptian musician named Har-Mose. Around the year 1.503 BC, Har-Mose worked for a state architect for the Queen of Egypt at that time (Queen Hatshepsut), called Sen-Mut. Har-Mose Tanbur buried with their owners that participate in a complex of burial of the queen on the river Nile.
Tanbur Har-Mose is a stringed musical instrument which has 3 strings and has a body made of cedar wood. Currently stored in the Archaeological Museum, Cairo, Egypt.
Tanbur Har-Mose
Tanbur Har-Mose
Definition of Guitar
After reviewing several possibilities regarding the ancestral guitar, then it helps us understand in advance what the actual definition of the guitar. According to Dr. Kasha, the guitar is defined as "stringed instrument stringed, long-necked with frets, and has a flat body guitar in the back (usually made of wood) which has a curved shape around the edges".
Picture of the oldest musical instrument that has all of these requirements appear in an image carved in stone in the form of 3.300 years old and comes from the Hittite culture in Alaca Huyuk, Turkey.
Hittite Guitar
Hittite Guitar
Modern Guitar
According to Dr. Michael Kasha, modern guitar we know today were originally composed of four strings. 4 strings this guitar arrived in Spain from Persia in around the 12th century, called chartar which literally means four strings (char: four; tar: strings). If traced further than a review of language, the word comes from the Sanskrit tar used in India, especially in the northern area. One of these is the cousin of chartar instrument we know as sitar, a stringed instrument 3 strings are also popular in regional cultures of Indonesia.
Chartar Persia
Chartar Persia
Over the years, this chartar instrument has undergone many modifications by modern humans. Guitar undergone many changes during the Renaissance in Europe in the 14th century to 17.
In the middle of the Renaissance period which is about the 16th century, there is a modified form of chartar which has 5 strings. Five-stringed guitar was first made in Italy and became the dominant use in recital music events. Just like the harp at the time, the guitar only has 8 pieces fret.
Antonio Stradivarius guitar strings 5 (1680)
Antonio Stradivarius guitar strings 5 (1680)
6 string guitars also made the first time in Italy at about the 17th century, at the end of the Renaissance period. Then after that the whole of Europe abuzz adopt this form, and were created many musical arrangements based on a six string guitar.
George Louis Panormo guitar 6 strings (1832)
George Louis Panormo guitar 6 strings (1832)
In terms of form, a guitar in the past are relatively small and has a slim body guitar. Until in 1859, a Spaniard named Antonio Torres made classical guitar a larger size and proportions change. Antonio Torres design is accepted as the standard of modern guitar making to this day.
Antonio Torres guitars (1859)
Antonio Torres guitars (1859)
Electric Guitar
Guitar using wire strings (steel string) was first introduced by a German immigrant in the United States named Christian Fredrich Martin in the years around the 1900s. Based on this finding guitar modified further towards electric guitar, made by Orville Gibson (founder of the Gibson Guitar Corporation) and his colleague Lloyd Loar.
Electric guitar was originally a solution for the needs of jazz musicians at that time who wanted his music to be more powerful sound. Electric guitar was first made at the end of the decade of 1920, but did not gain success until 1936, when the Gibson Guitar Corporation to produce the first commercial electric guitar called the Gibson ES-150. This guitar is in production until 1941.
Gibson ES-150 (1936)
Gibson ES-150 (1936)
Smallest Guitar
Nano-technology experts at Cornell University, the U.S. succeeded in making the smallest guitar in the world that measures just 10 micrometers (as large as the size of a single cell). Guitar made of crystalline silicon has 6 strings of 50 nanometers and is played by firing a laser beam into the guitar strings. Of course this guitar was made not for the musicians, but only for the sake of science.
Nanoguitar: World's Smallest Guitar
Nanoguitar: World's Smallest Guitar...
Dec 2011
Dec 2011
Coconut water, especially the young ones often used as a beverage release thirst, it's very refreshing. Someone mentions that coconut water can reduce weight, improve kidney function, to treat allergies. Really?
Coconut water, coconut water in particular, have long been recognized as a healthful beverage. It lies protected by a hard shell and a thick coconut husk, coconut water is a beverage made sterile. Free from all forms of contamination.
According to Prof. DR. Made Astawan, MS, in general, coconut water contains 2.6 percent sugar, 0.55 percent protein, 0.74 percent fat, and 0.46 percent minerals. Type of sugar that is contained glucose, fructose, and sucrose.
High Potassium In coconut water also contained amino acids and vitamins. Young coconut water also contains the phytochemical components in the form of tannin. Tannins are antibacterial that will inhibit bacterial growth.
Nutritional composition near isotonic fluid, which in accordance with body fluids. Isotonic drinks are expected to replace minerals lost through sweating body during exercise or other activities.
In order not curious, below are some real usefulness of coconut water:
1. Helps you lose weight
Excessive drinking coconut water can actually cause diarrhea. Indeed, it seems-after weight loss. However, this is not appropriate and healthy way to be able to get the ideal body weight. In contrast, coconut water can be used as a stimulant for those who are difficult bowel movements because it can help smooth the digestive tract.
2. More nutritious than whole milk
This is not true. Compared with coconut water, milk (either full cream or not) are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, and sugars. In addition, milk also contains various vitamins and minerals like vitamin B complex, vitamin D, calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium. While coconut water contains only a few minerals only.
3. Help the immune system
There is no scientific literature that proves that coconut water makes the body's immune system becomes better and also help the body fight some viruses that cause disease. The only way to boost the immune system is a nutrient derived from a variety of food and water instead of coconut.
4. Helps prevent kidney stones
The first thing that can be done to prevent the formation of kidney stones is enough water or fluid intake. The liquid can be obtained from coconut water, mineral water, and others. Coconut water or mineral water, can help prevent kidney stone formation. Only coconut water can not cure kidney stones.
5. Restoring a sense of dizziness caused by drunk
Drunk because of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages must be immediately neutralized. The trick to drinking water, either coconut water or mineral water. Actually, to relieve dizziness due to drunk, you should drink water containing sugar. The goal is that sugar can quickly get into the central nervous system and take over the body of attachment to alcohol. That way, the negative effects of drunkenness can be neutralized.
Read more: # ixzz1i8iJazK1
Dec 2011
Dec 2011
Are you a fan of foods that are named Jengkol? or maybe you are also one jengkol hater?
Well now, there is a pretty interesting information about the dangers of food whose real name is Archidendron pauciflorum.
As it is known that jengkol produce incredible aroma and is not new anymore, especially in Indonesia. However, it turns jengkol shortage does not stop at merely smell it, but jengkolatnya acid content is also likely to cause blockage of the urine channel.
Here's a small example and also a warning to the fans jengkol.
In one joke, people asking how to eliminate bad breath after eating a banana. The answer is not to brush your teeth or mouth freshener, but by eating jengkol. The reason, the smell of bananas will be lost because they lost the scent jengkol.
And it's just a picture, how jengkol a very sharp odor, even able to beat a banana that has a smell.
Odor Puncture
The cause of the smell was actually the amino acids contained in the seeds jengkol. Amino acids were dominated by amino acids that contain the element sulfur (S). When degraded or fragmented into smaller components, amino acids that will produce various components of flavor that is very bad, because the influence of sulfur. One is a gas that is formed by elements that are very well-known H2S gas odor.
Odor generated from jengkol it's actually quite disturbing, especially for others who did not share a meal. If the meal, despite the smell, at least have enjoyed the delights jengkol. But for others who did not share, but just miss the smell, would feel very disturbed. Especially with the release of urine. If this jengkol eaters pee in the toilet and rinse less than perfect, then the toilet will smell bad and disturbing the peace of others.
Acid Jengkolat
Jengkolat acid is one of the components contained in the seed jengkol. The structure is similar to amino acids (building blocks of protein), but can not digest. Therefore can not provide any benefit to the body. Even on a variety of food chemistry books, jengkolat acid is considered as one of the toxins that can interfere with the human body.
Jengkolat acid content in seeds jengkol vary, depending on varieties and seeds jengkol age. The amount is between 1-2% of seed weight jengkol. But it is clear this jengkolat acid can cause health problems. The reason is the formation of acid crystals jengkolat that will be clogging the urine. If the crystals formed are more and more, then kelama-lamaan can cause interference when removing urine. Even if the formation of an infection that is likely to cause further disruptions.
Jengkolat acid having a molecular structure that resembles the amino acid cysteine which contains sulfur element, thus participating in the formation of odor. Molecule is present in free form and difficult to dissolve into the water. Therefore a certain amount of jengkolat acid can form crystals.
In fact it is not all eaters jengkol automatically urine tract disease as a result of acid jengkolat. This is caused by several factors. First, the minimum number jengkolat acid that can cause interference. If you eat jengkolnya not too much, the disorder is still not visible. The second is due to the durability of the human body.
Naturally, your body reaksiterhadap disturbances that arise from the outside. In terms of jengkolat acid, pH or acidity of human urine is different. There are acidic, some are neutral. In the urine is relatively neutral, the disorder is smaller risks. While in the urine more acidic, the formation of the crystal was relatively faster. Even in an acid urine, there is the possibility of crystal formation in human kidney. In such conditions the consequences that will result more serious.
Therefore, like an actual food is fine. However, at the limits of reasonableness, as it can bring serious consequences on human health. Moreover, if the body is already experiencing a particular disorder, then if it is forbidden to eat a meal, should be abandoned.
Dec undefined
Dec undefined
It was sweet when fully ripe, but sour if not, that's Mango. Yesterday Rendra harvest of mangoes this time with my brother and the results are quite satisfactory. The number of existing mango tree in the yard of the house Renda indeed quite a lot, more than 7 trees and my father was deliberately planted in addition to plant fruit perindang also to be taken later. Well because that Renda had the initiative to write an article about this mango plant.
Unique Facts About the Mango # 1
Mango plants originally came from India, but has now spread throughout the world. The main reason this fruit is very popular because it is very easy to grow and it is arguably unique than other fruit.
Unique Facts About the Mango # 2
In various parts of the world, mango fruit commonly eaten as well as complementary food. This fruit contains enzymes with fibers such as we find in the papaya fruit. Mango fruit also contains more beta-carotene which the body is converted into vitamin A.
Unique Facts About the Mango # 3
If we are asked to answer the question "what kids Fruits that contain lots of Vitamin C?", I'm sure most of us would answer "Citrus Fruit". No one does that answer, but it turns out the mango fruit contains vitamin C which is much more than the fruit of Citrus earlier!
Unique Facts About the Mango # 4
Mango cholesterol can help prevent disease because they contain high pectin. That kind of fiber that can dissolve in the blood and very important benefit regulate blood cholesterol.
# Unique Facts About the Mango 5
Usually mangoes plucked from the tree while still green or partially cooked and then stored somewhere for a few days to mature itself. This storage process usually lasts for 2 to 3 days, depending on the condition of the fruit when picked.
Unique Facts About the Mango # 6
Burning of leaves, stems, or twigs of the mango crop is not recommended because the piece is usually often there are many poisonous mushrooms which when exposed to eye or skin can cause serious irritation
Unique Facts About the Mango # 7
Of mango leaves turned out to contain toxic and if eaten by livestock could potentially kill them..
Dec undefined
Dec undefined
In the transition seasons like this often once we experience sneezing, especially if the condition of the body is not in a state fit. Sneezing occurs because the nerves at the tip of our nose termasuki foreign objects, either viral, bacterial, odor-odor and so Sneezing can also be caused by allergies we tehadap something. Here are some unique facts about sneezing that Renda direct quotes from VIVAnews.
Unique Facts About Sneezing # 1
Sneezing is a spontaneous reaction of the body to clear the nostrils of foreign objects that have been Renda mentioned above by way of strong winds blowing from the lungs out of the body either through nose or mouth.
Unique Facts About Sneezing # 2
Air is blown when we have experienced wheeze speeds up to 160 miles per hour.
Unique Facts About Sneeze # 3
A person who is sneezing could catapult hundreds of thousands of germs into the air around it.
Unique Facts About Sneeze # 4
Eyebrows in the vicinity of our eyes were affiliated with the nerve around the nose, the result when we plucked eyebrows it will also trigger a sneeze.
Unique Facts About Sneezing # 5
At the time of sleep our bodies in resting conditions as are nerves around the nose, so when we sleep is almost impossible to experience sneezing.
If we sleep will not sneeze ...
Unique Facts About Sneezing # 6
Heavy work a full day can trigger a sneeze. Why is that?? Because after working hard, mouth and nose in a dry state so that the nose will produce excess mucus which can also cause sneezing.
Unique Facts About Sneezing # 7
Although could be arrested before it happened, sneezing unstoppable when it came out. If agan remains desperate help it, do not blame Renda if damaged eardrums and eyeballs agan agan out. : Horror
Unique Facts About Sneezing # 8
Survey has shown that exposure to direct sun to make one in three people experience sneezing. According to scientists, it is influenced by genetic factors.
Unique Facts About Sneezing # 9
Some experts believe that the stimulation of the parasympathetic system not only makes people so enjoy sexual relations, but also sneezing afterwards.
Unique Facts About Sneezing # 10
Record for longest sneezing is owned by Donna Griffiths from Worcesthaire, England. He had a sneezing for 978 days with a single sneeze every minute.
Dec undefined
Dec undefined
Secretly snake, maybe this is a suitable proverb Renda use to describe the dangerous plants below. They were armed by the great natural defenses that actually has a function to help the survival of predators or other creatures. Starting from herbivorous animals like humans until damaging our environment. Weapons are very diverse, there is a deadly poison, sharp thorns that can tear the tire up to a variety of enzymes that can damage organs. The crops Really Dangerous!
Here's a list of 10 Most Dangerous Plants that Renda translated and summarized from
# Able Swallowing Big Rat
Giant Pitcher Plant / Crop Giant jug: Nepenthes attenboroughii
Nepenthes attenboroughii in
Can be found at 5000 feet above sea level, Mt. Victoria Philippines, uniquely shaped like a pitcher plant has a sort of flower nectar held on as usual. However, this nectar instead of being a delicious meal for those who settled in this plant, but instead become the most powerful traps to attract their attention would then be crushed out by the plant this giant jug. Diameter of mouth can reach 30 cm so it is big enough to swallow a mouse that are less fortunate. Enzymes and acids that are sharp to make the creature entered the plant is almost impossible to break free and just waiting for the end of his life.
# Often grown in gardens
Castor Bean Plant: ricinus communis
Ricinus communis in the
Castor Bean Plant can be found easily in the gardens, despite the fact that this plant has a deadly poison ricin, an expert on poisonous plants and deadly, Amy Stewart this plant poisonous plants in his garden, and the problem is no one who dared to revoke or harvest back.
# Most Poisonous Plants in North America
Western Water Hemlock: Cicuta douglasii
Cicuta douglasii in the
These plants contain poison cicutoxin, ie toxins that can cause severe disturbances of the peace, loss of consciousness due to destruction of muscle tissue and eventually died. If traced, actually harmful plants is still the same family as the carrot crop.
# Killed Mother Plants that President Abraham Lincoln
White snakeroot: Eupatorium Rugosum
Eupatorium rugosum in the
Drinking milk from dairy cows that eat the plants previously had White snakeroot can be deadly. This is disebakan because every part of this plant contain tremetol and saturated alcohol which can cause muscle spasms before killing the victim. It also causes the mother of President Abraham Lincoln died. No one knows the cause of death before the 19th century, until the Department of Agriculture research reveals.
# The Best Plants for Killing Dinner Guests
Monkshood: Aconitum napellus
Aconitum napellus in
This purple colored plants grow with the poison aconite alkaloids that can cause chest tightness. When Ami Stewart again asked what the worst effects can be caused, he replied at once joke that goes something like this "monkshood Please soup and serve your dinner guests will not be home safely". :)
Okay because the time Renda had to write this post is limited due to leave school, just five first dangerous plants. And certainly wait for the continuation of this article on unique facts of this blog in the next post
Here's a list of 10 Most Dangerous Plants that Renda translated and summarized from
# Able Swallowing Big Rat
Giant Pitcher Plant / Crop Giant jug: Nepenthes attenboroughii
Nepenthes attenboroughii in
Can be found at 5000 feet above sea level, Mt. Victoria Philippines, uniquely shaped like a pitcher plant has a sort of flower nectar held on as usual. However, this nectar instead of being a delicious meal for those who settled in this plant, but instead become the most powerful traps to attract their attention would then be crushed out by the plant this giant jug. Diameter of mouth can reach 30 cm so it is big enough to swallow a mouse that are less fortunate. Enzymes and acids that are sharp to make the creature entered the plant is almost impossible to break free and just waiting for the end of his life.
# Often grown in gardens
Castor Bean Plant: ricinus communis
Ricinus communis in the
Castor Bean Plant can be found easily in the gardens, despite the fact that this plant has a deadly poison ricin, an expert on poisonous plants and deadly, Amy Stewart this plant poisonous plants in his garden, and the problem is no one who dared to revoke or harvest back.
# Most Poisonous Plants in North America
Western Water Hemlock: Cicuta douglasii
Cicuta douglasii in the
These plants contain poison cicutoxin, ie toxins that can cause severe disturbances of the peace, loss of consciousness due to destruction of muscle tissue and eventually died. If traced, actually harmful plants is still the same family as the carrot crop.
# Killed Mother Plants that President Abraham Lincoln
White snakeroot: Eupatorium Rugosum
Eupatorium rugosum in the
Drinking milk from dairy cows that eat the plants previously had White snakeroot can be deadly. This is disebakan because every part of this plant contain tremetol and saturated alcohol which can cause muscle spasms before killing the victim. It also causes the mother of President Abraham Lincoln died. No one knows the cause of death before the 19th century, until the Department of Agriculture research reveals.
# The Best Plants for Killing Dinner Guests
Monkshood: Aconitum napellus
Aconitum napellus in
This purple colored plants grow with the poison aconite alkaloids that can cause chest tightness. When Ami Stewart again asked what the worst effects can be caused, he replied at once joke that goes something like this "monkshood Please soup and serve your dinner guests will not be home safely". :)
Okay because the time Renda had to write this post is limited due to leave school, just five first dangerous plants. And certainly wait for the continuation of this article on unique facts of this blog in the next post
Dec undefined
Dec undefined
On May 7, 1994, black helicopters chasing a teenager for forty-five minutes in Harrahan, Louisiana. Unable to walk farther, the child afraid to explain that the passengers down from helicopters and guns pointed at him. To this day, the young man did not know why he was targeted by a mysterious helicopter or why human beings are going to let him escape.
One week later, people traveling in a car near Washington had a similar experience when they are always followed by helikopter.Tidak can escape, they watched the black-uniformed men fell from a rope ladder bearing arms. However, the driver let go free, make a lot of confusion with the clon victims of the helicopter. Black UFO is estimated there are as yet no simple explanation for some sightings, so the black halikopter remains unique facts of human mystery that remains unsolved.
One week later, people traveling in a car near Washington had a similar experience when they are always followed by helikopter.Tidak can escape, they watched the black-uniformed men fell from a rope ladder bearing arms. However, the driver let go free, make a lot of confusion with the clon victims of the helicopter. Black UFO is estimated there are as yet no simple explanation for some sightings, so the black halikopter remains unique facts of human mystery that remains unsolved.
Dec 2011
Dec 2011
You believe that Dr. Tariq Al-Swaidan have found that a number of verses in the Quran is one thing as much as unrivaled. Amazing fact, the word 'man' was repeated 24 times, nor the word 'women', 24 times. This finding is justified, both gramatik and mathematically, ie 24 = 24. That is, male parallel to female.
Dr. Tariq Al-Swaidan, in further analysis of all the verses of the Koran, found that the similarity of this number is always consistent, where one mentioned the same thing as does his opponent.
The world is repeated as many as 115 times, 115 times Hereafter as his opponent.
Angel 88, Devils 88.
Life 145, Dead 145.
Benefit 50, Corrupt 50.
Human 50, the Apostle 50
Devil 11, Requesting the protection of the temptations of Satan 11.
Accidents 75, 75 Gratitude
Spending (sadaqah) 73. Satisfaction 73
People who are mislead 17. Dead people 17
Muslimeen 41. Jihad 41
Gold 8. Easy life 8
Magic 60. Fitnah (dissuasion, misleading) 60
Zakat (Taxes Muslims pay to the poor) 32. Barakah (Increasing or Blessings of wealth) 32
Mind 49. Noor 49
Tongue 25. Sermon 25
Desite 8. Fear 8
Speaking publicly 18. Publicizing 18
Difficult (hardship) 114 Patience (patience) 114
Even more interesting, you see in the findings below:
Prayer was repeated in the Qur'an as much as 5 times.
Month 12 times
Day 365
Even more interesting:
In the Qur'an there are a total of 32 words and word SEA mainland amounted to as much as 13 ... Where is the 32 + 13 = 45
Broad Ocean 32/45 x 100% = 71.11% of the earth's surface and the Mainland Area 13/45 x 100% = 28.89% of the earth's surface ...
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The name Bluetooth is not unfamiliar to fans of HP executives or highend type, and apply the most advanced technologies. Moreover, in every activity of business communication, whether via mobile phones or PDAs (personal digital assistance), the user is helped by his presence. One benefit that is felt is the practicality bluetooth to build personal access network (PAN) as wireless or wireless.
BLUETOOTH is a cable replacement technology that can get rid of clutter in the wiring that connects between a computer with keyboard, mouse, printer, sound system, digital cameras, fax machines, terminals VCD or MP3 music player and more.
The presence of Bluetooth makes a person no longer anything to mess around with wires, what color, heading nowhere, and must be plugged in where. Antarperalatan interconnection function can be replaced by bluetooth chipset is installed in a built-in on the associated electronic equipment.
The mythology behind the name
Bluetooth is the name of the person, namely Harold Bluetooth (in English) or Harald Blatand (Danish), Viking king of Denmark in the years 940-985, who succeeded his father King Gorm the struggle went on deck Gammel, uniting Denmark with Norway.
Bluetooth name will impress someone who tooth-colored picture of a blue or battered. Connotation is not so far wrong, because according to the story mythology, Viking King of Denmark is said haired and dark skinned. He likes to eat blueberries or strawberries, then it is worth when the tooth Blatand become bluish or blue tooth.
What's in a name, What's in a name. No problems with blue tooth or teeth stained, Bluetooth remains Blatand, the Viking king who has an important role as a unifying his nation with neighboring countries. This piece of folklore, mythology bluetooth prominent in the 10th century.
Eleven centuries have passed, but the name still sticking bluetooth and even more is known, because the name is now immortalized as the name of cutting-edge communications technology products. When Harald Blatand has merit and supremacy to unite Denmark and Norway, (although both countries are now not a single country), bluetooth 21st-century role as a unifying or a bridge of connectedness antaraneka high end tech products that can interact with and operate through the control of the bluetooth chipset posted on related products. The common thread between mythology and technological supremacy was now a more hooked.
In mobile applications, bluetooth built-in installed in the HP terminal types along with various high end features that are very familiar by his fans. Even an executive can be considered gatek (stuttering technology) if they are not bearing the bluetooth in its communication equipment. For the businessman or executive, bluetooth will always be faithful in his hands. Whether in the form of personal digital assistants - PDAs, mobile phones, laptops, or a tiny wireless earphones in the ear that can be used to eavesdrop on the strains of soft music MP3 digital stereo.
The initial idea to make a radio chipset Ericsson Mobile Communications initiated in 1994. However, the bluetooth was chosen to commemorate and honor of Harald Blatand services. The main target of the project is to make low-cost radio chipsets and low-powered, as the phone interface with all of its features are developed. In 1998, there were five companies joined with Ericsson's pilot project and formed a special group or the 'Special Interest Group or SIG.
In the development of nine vendors join the world of telecommunications, namely Ericsson, Intel, IBM, 3Com, Lucent, Microsoft, Nokia, Toshiba, and Motorola. Currently more than 2,000 companies or community members joined the Bluetooth SIG lovers. With bluetooth they offer more value in their products to target market customers on board. In the next 2-3 years, bluetooth certain to be mass produced and integrated into a variety of office equipment products, household, health, medical equipment, automotive, music, games, and entertainment. Bluetooth will drastically change your lifestyle and way of working office equipment and home furnishings.
BLUETOOTH is a cable replacement technology that can get rid of clutter in the wiring that connects between a computer with keyboard, mouse, printer, sound system, digital cameras, fax machines, terminals VCD or MP3 music player and more.
The presence of Bluetooth makes a person no longer anything to mess around with wires, what color, heading nowhere, and must be plugged in where. Antarperalatan interconnection function can be replaced by bluetooth chipset is installed in a built-in on the associated electronic equipment.
The mythology behind the name
Bluetooth is the name of the person, namely Harold Bluetooth (in English) or Harald Blatand (Danish), Viking king of Denmark in the years 940-985, who succeeded his father King Gorm the struggle went on deck Gammel, uniting Denmark with Norway.
Bluetooth name will impress someone who tooth-colored picture of a blue or battered. Connotation is not so far wrong, because according to the story mythology, Viking King of Denmark is said haired and dark skinned. He likes to eat blueberries or strawberries, then it is worth when the tooth Blatand become bluish or blue tooth.
What's in a name, What's in a name. No problems with blue tooth or teeth stained, Bluetooth remains Blatand, the Viking king who has an important role as a unifying his nation with neighboring countries. This piece of folklore, mythology bluetooth prominent in the 10th century.
Eleven centuries have passed, but the name still sticking bluetooth and even more is known, because the name is now immortalized as the name of cutting-edge communications technology products. When Harald Blatand has merit and supremacy to unite Denmark and Norway, (although both countries are now not a single country), bluetooth 21st-century role as a unifying or a bridge of connectedness antaraneka high end tech products that can interact with and operate through the control of the bluetooth chipset posted on related products. The common thread between mythology and technological supremacy was now a more hooked.
In mobile applications, bluetooth built-in installed in the HP terminal types along with various high end features that are very familiar by his fans. Even an executive can be considered gatek (stuttering technology) if they are not bearing the bluetooth in its communication equipment. For the businessman or executive, bluetooth will always be faithful in his hands. Whether in the form of personal digital assistants - PDAs, mobile phones, laptops, or a tiny wireless earphones in the ear that can be used to eavesdrop on the strains of soft music MP3 digital stereo.
The initial idea to make a radio chipset Ericsson Mobile Communications initiated in 1994. However, the bluetooth was chosen to commemorate and honor of Harald Blatand services. The main target of the project is to make low-cost radio chipsets and low-powered, as the phone interface with all of its features are developed. In 1998, there were five companies joined with Ericsson's pilot project and formed a special group or the 'Special Interest Group or SIG.
In the development of nine vendors join the world of telecommunications, namely Ericsson, Intel, IBM, 3Com, Lucent, Microsoft, Nokia, Toshiba, and Motorola. Currently more than 2,000 companies or community members joined the Bluetooth SIG lovers. With bluetooth they offer more value in their products to target market customers on board. In the next 2-3 years, bluetooth certain to be mass produced and integrated into a variety of office equipment products, household, health, medical equipment, automotive, music, games, and entertainment. Bluetooth will drastically change your lifestyle and way of working office equipment and home furnishings.
Dec undefined
Dec undefined
Ufocap" style of Alien Umbrella Unique
Grandma Brave, Come Falls in 100 Years of Age
Eid in the House with a touch of Oriental
"PAKAYUNG" Intelligent Solutions your clothesline!
Ritual Dance Seblang in Banyuwangi Not Dark Ages
Written by admin on 31 Aug 2010 - 14:44
Metrogaya - In the early 3500 years ago, the existence of the umbrella has been found in China. Regarding the discovery of an umbrella, there are many legends of the people who tell it, one of which the most widespread is the story of "Luban Inventors Umbrella".
Luban is Mr Carpentry in China. According to the "Jade Pieces", the umbrella was invented by Luban's wife, who is very caring and concern for her husband's hard work. As told, Every day Luban food brought by his wife who named Yun, Yun which is often affected by heavy rains at the time.
So Luban make the pavilion along the way so that his wife does not rain, but it still feels way less practical. Then later, with the inspiration of the children who use the lotus leaf as a protection from the rain, he created the first umbrella made of a flexible framework that is covered with a cloth or paper coated with wax to make it waterproof.
In ancient China, an umbrella is not used as a protection from heat and rain, but also have meaning in society. At the end of the Wei Dynasty, umbrellas are used in ceremonies and ordinances of the high officials called "Luo Umbrella".
According to Tso Chun, Luo Umbrella is a symbol of status and status for the officials. For example, officials of the Han Dynasty at the position is not so high to use Green colored umbrellas and Emperor of the Song Dynasty using yellow and red umbrellas.
Because umbrellas are used in the course of inspection emperor or senior officials in ancient times was demonstrated protection against the people. Umbrella symbolizes wealth and honor and is often used in the ceremony - a wedding ceremony in China. Umbrellas are also often used in opera, song and dance, and acrobatic art.
Increased cultural exchanges with foreign countries, causing the umbrella gradually spread abroad. For example, Japan has sent 19 envoys to the Tang Dynasty to learn Chinese culture. Thus, umbrella making techniques were introduced in Japan.
In the mid-18th century, British businessman carrying an umbrella to his country after coming from China, which aroused great influence in the United Kingdom. Until the mid-19th century umbrella has become a necessity for the British people.
The first umbrella shop there named "James Smith and Sons" which opened in 1830 and it still sells umbrellas, its address at 53 New Oxford Street, London. (Hd /
Ufocap" style of Alien Umbrella Unique
Grandma Brave, Come Falls in 100 Years of Age
Eid in the House with a touch of Oriental
"PAKAYUNG" Intelligent Solutions your clothesline!
Ritual Dance Seblang in Banyuwangi Not Dark Ages
Written by admin on 31 Aug 2010 - 14:44
Metrogaya - In the early 3500 years ago, the existence of the umbrella has been found in China. Regarding the discovery of an umbrella, there are many legends of the people who tell it, one of which the most widespread is the story of "Luban Inventors Umbrella".
Luban is Mr Carpentry in China. According to the "Jade Pieces", the umbrella was invented by Luban's wife, who is very caring and concern for her husband's hard work. As told, Every day Luban food brought by his wife who named Yun, Yun which is often affected by heavy rains at the time.
So Luban make the pavilion along the way so that his wife does not rain, but it still feels way less practical. Then later, with the inspiration of the children who use the lotus leaf as a protection from the rain, he created the first umbrella made of a flexible framework that is covered with a cloth or paper coated with wax to make it waterproof.
In ancient China, an umbrella is not used as a protection from heat and rain, but also have meaning in society. At the end of the Wei Dynasty, umbrellas are used in ceremonies and ordinances of the high officials called "Luo Umbrella".
According to Tso Chun, Luo Umbrella is a symbol of status and status for the officials. For example, officials of the Han Dynasty at the position is not so high to use Green colored umbrellas and Emperor of the Song Dynasty using yellow and red umbrellas.
Because umbrellas are used in the course of inspection emperor or senior officials in ancient times was demonstrated protection against the people. Umbrella symbolizes wealth and honor and is often used in the ceremony - a wedding ceremony in China. Umbrellas are also often used in opera, song and dance, and acrobatic art.
Increased cultural exchanges with foreign countries, causing the umbrella gradually spread abroad. For example, Japan has sent 19 envoys to the Tang Dynasty to learn Chinese culture. Thus, umbrella making techniques were introduced in Japan.
In the mid-18th century, British businessman carrying an umbrella to his country after coming from China, which aroused great influence in the United Kingdom. Until the mid-19th century umbrella has become a necessity for the British people.
The first umbrella shop there named "James Smith and Sons" which opened in 1830 and it still sells umbrellas, its address at 53 New Oxford Street, London. (Hd /
Dec undefined
Dec undefined
No wonder the treasure hunter Michael Hatcher happy hunting in Indonesia. Surveillance data from the Directorate General of Marine Resources and Fisheries (DG PSDKP) Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), there are 493 underwater archaeological sites in Indonesia.
"There's 493, according to the existing mapping," said Director General of NOA PSDKP Aji Sularso a news conference in his office, Jl Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Thursday (29/04/2010).
Of these 493, fewer than 10 percent that has been explored. Understandably, and raise funds for the survey is not small cargo ship. Moreover, if stuck in mud on the seabed.
"It could be millions of dollars," said Aji.
However, Aji explained that not all ships are still contains a treasure trove. Sometimes the ship is still there, but its cargo was not there.
"Looting was prevalent in Glasa Strait, in waters around the Pacific Islands," he said.
Michael 'Mike' Hatcher was born in York, England, in 1940. Living his childhood are less fortunate. He lived in an orphanage. At the age of 14, he emigrated to Australia. Cargo shipwreck hunting began in 1970 with a renovated old yacht.
In 1981 managed to lift the contents ship sank in Malaysia, Tanjung Pinang in 1985 in Indonesia, and in 1998 in Indonesia. Internationally he was nicknamed 'The Wreck Salvage King' (Saviour King Shipwrecks).
Currently managed to lift the ship Geldermasen VOC's in Coral Heliputan, Tanjung Pinang, the year 1985-1986, Hatcher get 126 gold and 160 thousand objects ceramics Ming and Ching dynasties. Value is not less than U.S. $ 15 million at that time.
Then Tek Sing Hetcher lift vessel in the waters of the Pacific Islands, South Sumatra in 1999. The value of Rp 500 billion. Hatcher is now thought to arise again in the waters Blanakan, Subang. If Hatcher managed to lift the treasure trove of Subang, then this will be a record during his career. Chance of Ming dynasty porcelain that sank there are not less than U.S. $ 200 million.
"There's 493, according to the existing mapping," said Director General of NOA PSDKP Aji Sularso a news conference in his office, Jl Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, Thursday (29/04/2010).
Of these 493, fewer than 10 percent that has been explored. Understandably, and raise funds for the survey is not small cargo ship. Moreover, if stuck in mud on the seabed.
"It could be millions of dollars," said Aji.
However, Aji explained that not all ships are still contains a treasure trove. Sometimes the ship is still there, but its cargo was not there.
"Looting was prevalent in Glasa Strait, in waters around the Pacific Islands," he said.
Michael 'Mike' Hatcher was born in York, England, in 1940. Living his childhood are less fortunate. He lived in an orphanage. At the age of 14, he emigrated to Australia. Cargo shipwreck hunting began in 1970 with a renovated old yacht.
In 1981 managed to lift the contents ship sank in Malaysia, Tanjung Pinang in 1985 in Indonesia, and in 1998 in Indonesia. Internationally he was nicknamed 'The Wreck Salvage King' (Saviour King Shipwrecks).
Currently managed to lift the ship Geldermasen VOC's in Coral Heliputan, Tanjung Pinang, the year 1985-1986, Hatcher get 126 gold and 160 thousand objects ceramics Ming and Ching dynasties. Value is not less than U.S. $ 15 million at that time.
Then Tek Sing Hetcher lift vessel in the waters of the Pacific Islands, South Sumatra in 1999. The value of Rp 500 billion. Hatcher is now thought to arise again in the waters Blanakan, Subang. If Hatcher managed to lift the treasure trove of Subang, then this will be a record during his career. Chance of Ming dynasty porcelain that sank there are not less than U.S. $ 200 million.
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Comedian now has become its heyday. Moreover, who played in one of the sketch comedy that revolves around tales Indonesia. Yep,, Opera Van Java. Comedy this one has become a spectacle of Indonesia are on the rise.
Top 10 Comedian Indonesia
1. Sule
Entis Sutisna or sule is often called upon by Indonesian artist who works as a comedian Indonesia. Through his victory in the arena of talent comedian in TPI, through the Group SOS comedy career was finally Sule Soar. Sule also play a role in various events comedians, such as OVJ and there Awass sule.
2. Olga Syahputra
Yoga Syahputra or better known by the name of Olga Syahputra (born in Jakarta, February 8, 1983, age 26 years) is an actor, comedian, and host Indonesia. Olga often plays transsexual. But Olga dismissed if he has deviate sexual orientation. Now Olga triumphed in Strikes, OMG, and Seger Beneeerr ..
3. Aziz Stuttering
Azis Stuttering is a typical newcomer comedian with his stuttering omangan every show. Azis name became known when he became the play of the Opera Van Java comedy show with her friend Nunung, Andre Stinky, and Sule.
In addition to the comedy show Aziz also be host / presenter on several tv shows including Beauty And Aziz, Opera Van Java, Derings.
Currently azis an artist who has two wives and has been blessed with three children from her marriage with the second wife.
4. Parto patriotic
Real name: Eddy Supono
(Born in Jakarta, 17 April 1961, age 48 years), better known as Parto patriotic a group member patriotic comedy trio.
Together the two co-announcer at Radio SK, Akri and Eko, they founded the comedy group patriotic dated October 10, 1994. Achieved national fame by patriotic event at the station telvisi Ngelaba TPI. After their popular names, each member often find work for their own gig. Nevertheless, they remain committed to patriotic. In addition to frequently appear on the show with the theme of comedy, Parto also supports some comedy, including the soap opera-Okay Okay Bos.Dan Parto finally this year be hosted at the Opera Van Java in Trans7 and droll in sitcom titled trans7 OKB.
5. Komeng
Alfiansyah (born: New York, August 25, 1970) (popularly called Komeng) is a comedian Indonesia. He is best known as host aired on SCTV Spontaneous since 1995 until now. Benjamin Sueb comedian is his idol.
6. Aming
Aming (full name Aming Supriatna Sugandhi; born 7 November 1980, age 29 years) is a comedian who is currently quite famous through a comedy show Extravaganza in Trans TV. In addition he also commercials, among them the fixed stars card advertising "United States" from Telkomsel.
Aming a child to the 9th of 12 children. Aming commonly known as someone who almost always melakoni role as a woman or a transsexual. Aming is a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology). Besides active in comedy Aming also known as a sitcom actress and presenter. Now Aming triumphed in Studio 1, the new comedy Trans TV
7. Andre Taulani
Andre Taulany or often referred to as Stinky Andre / Andre OVJ is an artist / comedian who was born in Indonesia Indonesia Jakarta, 17 September 1974 and worked as a sitcom actress, movies, as well as a comedian. Andre is an Indonesian artist who has played in several soap operas such as Love Story, Light of Mine Also besides Andre Stinky also has starred in movies such as Apocalypse is near, Kunfayakun, and implant Pocong. Better known as Andre Andre OVJ since her role on the show Comedy Opera Van Java TRANS 7.
Andre Taulany name is already known long ago, when he was a career in music with his band Staind. The name of Andre Taulany also had its fame in the country music industry. Already 8 album released by Sting. Stinky is also able to sell their albums up to 1 million copies through their flagship singles namely "Could" and "Do not Close Yourselves".
Today, the name andre taulany unknown as a musician but as a comedian. Because acting is hilarious comedians at various events to make himself better known as a comedian. Some of the events that helped to rebuild its presence in the entertainment world is through the ground water kocaknya acting in comedy show "Opera Van Java". Besides OVJ, andre also briefly acting in several comedy shows such as, Ngelenong Nyok, Comedy Betawi, and
Currently Andre has been married with women from the fields named Rien Wartia Trigina or often called by Rien. And has been blessed with a son - male.
8. Budi towel
He began his career as a walk-on program Ngelaba (patriotic) in 1996, the husband of Neneng Nurhayati has also starred in two feature films, namely tiren and TULALIT. He also said it was awaiting a call I'll wait Jandamu filming, which is planned starring alongside dangdut singer Dewi Persik.
9. Nunung
Tri Retno Prayudati or better known as Nunung an artist born in Solo, Central Java, 5 April 1964 that their profession as a comedian in the country. His name was known when he became one of the players in the play Srimulat. In addition nunung also popular when playing in the soap opera Si Doel Anak School. Now he plays in a comedy show together sule Opera Van Java, azis, and andre taulany.
Nunung also had won the award in 1999 with a Panasonic Award category Favorite Female Comedy Actress.
In his private life, the mother of two children apparently had failed to 2 times against his young partner. The first he failed to defend her marriage to Daniel Setyadi, who was adrift 8 years younger. After the mid-2008, nunung again failed in his marriage to Spiritual Widodo, younger guy 12 years. Nunung also blessed with two sons from his marriage, named Good and Son.
10. Fortunately Arie
Arie Kuncoro Fortunately or more commonly known by the name of profit Arie was born January 15, 1977 artist who works as a presenter as well as Indonesian movie player. His debut in the entertainment industry started when he became one of MTV VJ. After deciding to come out of MTV, Arie began to become an actor in various films. First film entitled "Brownies" in 2004 which together with portraying beautiful artist Marcella Zalianty. Currently, Arie fortunately also serves as a presenter on her show that in bawakannya Gong Show with Adul, Komeng, and also Olga Syahputra. Arie fortunately also a comedian on the show Tawa Sutra XL with towel and Pepi mind.
In his personal life, never having arie love with a woman named Luna Regards Richi. However, arie Fenita Javanti prefer to accompany her, because on February 5, 2005 he menikahin Fenita. In marriage, arie fortunately blessed with two children: Gavin Fathir Misbareta Daffa (born 10 November 2005) and Aisha Misbareta Mikhaila (born March 5, 2008).
Arie was also lucky that he caught the middle digossipkan photographed intimate with a woman who was widely circulated in cyberspace, after much insistence, arie also claim that the girl is a woman named Gaby and still high school at the time.
Top 10 Comedian Indonesia
1. Sule
Entis Sutisna or sule is often called upon by Indonesian artist who works as a comedian Indonesia. Through his victory in the arena of talent comedian in TPI, through the Group SOS comedy career was finally Sule Soar. Sule also play a role in various events comedians, such as OVJ and there Awass sule.
2. Olga Syahputra
Yoga Syahputra or better known by the name of Olga Syahputra (born in Jakarta, February 8, 1983, age 26 years) is an actor, comedian, and host Indonesia. Olga often plays transsexual. But Olga dismissed if he has deviate sexual orientation. Now Olga triumphed in Strikes, OMG, and Seger Beneeerr ..
3. Aziz Stuttering
Azis Stuttering is a typical newcomer comedian with his stuttering omangan every show. Azis name became known when he became the play of the Opera Van Java comedy show with her friend Nunung, Andre Stinky, and Sule.
In addition to the comedy show Aziz also be host / presenter on several tv shows including Beauty And Aziz, Opera Van Java, Derings.
Currently azis an artist who has two wives and has been blessed with three children from her marriage with the second wife.
4. Parto patriotic
Real name: Eddy Supono
(Born in Jakarta, 17 April 1961, age 48 years), better known as Parto patriotic a group member patriotic comedy trio.
Together the two co-announcer at Radio SK, Akri and Eko, they founded the comedy group patriotic dated October 10, 1994. Achieved national fame by patriotic event at the station telvisi Ngelaba TPI. After their popular names, each member often find work for their own gig. Nevertheless, they remain committed to patriotic. In addition to frequently appear on the show with the theme of comedy, Parto also supports some comedy, including the soap opera-Okay Okay Bos.Dan Parto finally this year be hosted at the Opera Van Java in Trans7 and droll in sitcom titled trans7 OKB.
5. Komeng
Alfiansyah (born: New York, August 25, 1970) (popularly called Komeng) is a comedian Indonesia. He is best known as host aired on SCTV Spontaneous since 1995 until now. Benjamin Sueb comedian is his idol.
6. Aming
Aming (full name Aming Supriatna Sugandhi; born 7 November 1980, age 29 years) is a comedian who is currently quite famous through a comedy show Extravaganza in Trans TV. In addition he also commercials, among them the fixed stars card advertising "United States" from Telkomsel.
Aming a child to the 9th of 12 children. Aming commonly known as someone who almost always melakoni role as a woman or a transsexual. Aming is a graduate of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology). Besides active in comedy Aming also known as a sitcom actress and presenter. Now Aming triumphed in Studio 1, the new comedy Trans TV
7. Andre Taulani
Andre Taulany or often referred to as Stinky Andre / Andre OVJ is an artist / comedian who was born in Indonesia Indonesia Jakarta, 17 September 1974 and worked as a sitcom actress, movies, as well as a comedian. Andre is an Indonesian artist who has played in several soap operas such as Love Story, Light of Mine Also besides Andre Stinky also has starred in movies such as Apocalypse is near, Kunfayakun, and implant Pocong. Better known as Andre Andre OVJ since her role on the show Comedy Opera Van Java TRANS 7.
Andre Taulany name is already known long ago, when he was a career in music with his band Staind. The name of Andre Taulany also had its fame in the country music industry. Already 8 album released by Sting. Stinky is also able to sell their albums up to 1 million copies through their flagship singles namely "Could" and "Do not Close Yourselves".
Today, the name andre taulany unknown as a musician but as a comedian. Because acting is hilarious comedians at various events to make himself better known as a comedian. Some of the events that helped to rebuild its presence in the entertainment world is through the ground water kocaknya acting in comedy show "Opera Van Java". Besides OVJ, andre also briefly acting in several comedy shows such as, Ngelenong Nyok, Comedy Betawi, and
Currently Andre has been married with women from the fields named Rien Wartia Trigina or often called by Rien. And has been blessed with a son - male.
8. Budi towel
He began his career as a walk-on program Ngelaba (patriotic) in 1996, the husband of Neneng Nurhayati has also starred in two feature films, namely tiren and TULALIT. He also said it was awaiting a call I'll wait Jandamu filming, which is planned starring alongside dangdut singer Dewi Persik.
9. Nunung
Tri Retno Prayudati or better known as Nunung an artist born in Solo, Central Java, 5 April 1964 that their profession as a comedian in the country. His name was known when he became one of the players in the play Srimulat. In addition nunung also popular when playing in the soap opera Si Doel Anak School. Now he plays in a comedy show together sule Opera Van Java, azis, and andre taulany.
Nunung also had won the award in 1999 with a Panasonic Award category Favorite Female Comedy Actress.
In his private life, the mother of two children apparently had failed to 2 times against his young partner. The first he failed to defend her marriage to Daniel Setyadi, who was adrift 8 years younger. After the mid-2008, nunung again failed in his marriage to Spiritual Widodo, younger guy 12 years. Nunung also blessed with two sons from his marriage, named Good and Son.
10. Fortunately Arie
Arie Kuncoro Fortunately or more commonly known by the name of profit Arie was born January 15, 1977 artist who works as a presenter as well as Indonesian movie player. His debut in the entertainment industry started when he became one of MTV VJ. After deciding to come out of MTV, Arie began to become an actor in various films. First film entitled "Brownies" in 2004 which together with portraying beautiful artist Marcella Zalianty. Currently, Arie fortunately also serves as a presenter on her show that in bawakannya Gong Show with Adul, Komeng, and also Olga Syahputra. Arie fortunately also a comedian on the show Tawa Sutra XL with towel and Pepi mind.
In his personal life, never having arie love with a woman named Luna Regards Richi. However, arie Fenita Javanti prefer to accompany her, because on February 5, 2005 he menikahin Fenita. In marriage, arie fortunately blessed with two children: Gavin Fathir Misbareta Daffa (born 10 November 2005) and Aisha Misbareta Mikhaila (born March 5, 2008).
Arie was also lucky that he caught the middle digossipkan photographed intimate with a woman who was widely circulated in cyberspace, after much insistence, arie also claim that the girl is a woman named Gaby and still high school at the time.
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Dec undefined
Hackers are people who study, analyze, and then if desired, can create, modify, or even exploit the system contained in a device such as computer software and computer hardware such as computer programs, administrative and other matters, particularly security.
Here are some 14 Hacker's World profile for now:
1. Kevin Mitnick
Kevin is the first hacker whose face was plastered in
poster "FBI Most Wanted".
Kevin is also a "Master of Deception" and has written a book entitled "The Art of Deception".
This book describes various social engineering techniques to gain access into the system.
2. Linus Torvalds
A real hacker, develop the Linux operating system which is a combination of "MINIX Linus".
Linux operating system has become the operating system "standard" hackers.
With Richard Stallman with the GNU-Linux to build its initial version and collaborate with programmers, and hackers around the world developper to develop the Linux kernel.
3. John Draper
Herz 2600 Inventor of the single tone using a plastic whistle which was a gift from a cereal box.
Is the pioneer of the use of 2600 Hz tone and known as the Phone Phreaker (Phreaker, see: frieker)
2600 Hz tone is used as a tool to make free phone calls.
In its development, the tone of 2600 Hz is no longer made with plastic whistles, but uses a tool called "Blue Box".
4. Mark Abene
As one of his "Master of Deception" Phiber optics, inspiring thousands of teenagers to learn the phone's internal system state. Optical Phiber also been named as one of 100 people a genius by New York Magazine.
Using Apple computers, Timex Sinclair and Commodore 64.
His first computer was a Radio Shack TRS-80 (trash-80).
5. Robert Morris
A child of scientists National Computer Security Center, which is part of the National Security Agencies (NSA).
The first time writing so momental Internet Worm in 1988.
Meng-infected thousands of computers connected in a network.
6. Richard Stallman
One of his "Old School Hackers", working at MIT's Artificial Intelligence lab.
Feeling disturbed by commercial software and personal and copyrights.
Eventually founded the GNU (read: guhNew) which is an acronym for GNU NOT UNIX.
Using the very first computer in 1969 at the IBM New York Scintific Center at the age of 16 years.
7. Kevin Poulsen
Commit fraud against the digital radio station KIIS-FM, ensuring that it is a caller to 102 and won the Porsche 944 S2.
8. Ian Murphy
Ian Muphy with three of his colleagues, hacking into the computer and compose AT & T setting its internal clock.
This resulted in the public telephone users get a discount "midnight" at the time of the afternoon, and who have waited until midnight to pay the high bills.
9. Vladimir Levin
Graduates St. Tekhnologichesky Petersburg University.
CitiBank computer deceive and profit 10 million dollars.
Interpol arrested at Heathrow Airport in 1995
10. Steve Wozniak
Build an Apple computer and use the "blue box" untukkepentingan own.
11. Tsutomu Shimomura
Kevin Mitnick managed to capture the trace.
12. Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson
Dennis Ritchie C language is an author, with Ken Thomson writes an elegant UNIX operating system.
13. Eric Steven Raymond
Mr. hackers. A pioneer hacktivist and opensource movement.
Write a lot of hacking guides, one of which is: "How To Become A Hacker" and "The new hacker's Dictionary".
So phenomenal and is known by the whole community of hacking world.
According to Eric, "the world has a lot of interesting problems to be solved danmenanti".
14. Johan Helsingius
Operating the world's most popular anonymous remailer.
Here are some 14 Hacker's World profile for now:
1. Kevin Mitnick
Kevin is the first hacker whose face was plastered in
poster "FBI Most Wanted".
Kevin is also a "Master of Deception" and has written a book entitled "The Art of Deception".
This book describes various social engineering techniques to gain access into the system.
2. Linus Torvalds
A real hacker, develop the Linux operating system which is a combination of "MINIX Linus".
Linux operating system has become the operating system "standard" hackers.
With Richard Stallman with the GNU-Linux to build its initial version and collaborate with programmers, and hackers around the world developper to develop the Linux kernel.
3. John Draper
Herz 2600 Inventor of the single tone using a plastic whistle which was a gift from a cereal box.
Is the pioneer of the use of 2600 Hz tone and known as the Phone Phreaker (Phreaker, see: frieker)
2600 Hz tone is used as a tool to make free phone calls.
In its development, the tone of 2600 Hz is no longer made with plastic whistles, but uses a tool called "Blue Box".
4. Mark Abene
As one of his "Master of Deception" Phiber optics, inspiring thousands of teenagers to learn the phone's internal system state. Optical Phiber also been named as one of 100 people a genius by New York Magazine.
Using Apple computers, Timex Sinclair and Commodore 64.
His first computer was a Radio Shack TRS-80 (trash-80).
5. Robert Morris
A child of scientists National Computer Security Center, which is part of the National Security Agencies (NSA).
The first time writing so momental Internet Worm in 1988.
Meng-infected thousands of computers connected in a network.
6. Richard Stallman
One of his "Old School Hackers", working at MIT's Artificial Intelligence lab.
Feeling disturbed by commercial software and personal and copyrights.
Eventually founded the GNU (read: guhNew) which is an acronym for GNU NOT UNIX.
Using the very first computer in 1969 at the IBM New York Scintific Center at the age of 16 years.
7. Kevin Poulsen
Commit fraud against the digital radio station KIIS-FM, ensuring that it is a caller to 102 and won the Porsche 944 S2.
8. Ian Murphy
Ian Muphy with three of his colleagues, hacking into the computer and compose AT & T setting its internal clock.
This resulted in the public telephone users get a discount "midnight" at the time of the afternoon, and who have waited until midnight to pay the high bills.
9. Vladimir Levin
Graduates St. Tekhnologichesky Petersburg University.
CitiBank computer deceive and profit 10 million dollars.
Interpol arrested at Heathrow Airport in 1995
10. Steve Wozniak
Build an Apple computer and use the "blue box" untukkepentingan own.
11. Tsutomu Shimomura
Kevin Mitnick managed to capture the trace.
12. Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson
Dennis Ritchie C language is an author, with Ken Thomson writes an elegant UNIX operating system.
13. Eric Steven Raymond
Mr. hackers. A pioneer hacktivist and opensource movement.
Write a lot of hacking guides, one of which is: "How To Become A Hacker" and "The new hacker's Dictionary".
So phenomenal and is known by the whole community of hacking world.
According to Eric, "the world has a lot of interesting problems to be solved danmenanti".
14. Johan Helsingius
Operating the world's most popular anonymous remailer.
Dec undefined
Dec undefined
Cheetah is the fastest runner in the world
The fastest animal in the world is a Falcon
Animals that have the loudest voice is the blue whale
The smallest vertebrate animals are stout infantfish
The world's largest flower is Rafflesia arnoldii
World's smallest flower is a plant species Genus Wolffia
The tallest tree is Hyperion (115.2 meters)
3G service subscribers in the world is NTT DoCoMo of Japan.
The fastest SMS typed record held by Ang Chuang Yang.
The hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth is an area in El Azizia, Sahara on 13 September 1922 is at 57.8 ° C (136 ° F).
Plants that existed since the dinosaur age is maidenhair tree
Lake of the Dead Sea is the lowest place in the world with a height of 417.5 meters below sea level!
Lake of the Dead Sea has a salinity level of water reaches 33%.
Wettest places in the world (the wettest place in the world) is Cherrapunji, located 1290 m above sea level receives an average rainfall per year is 1270 cm.
Mobile blogging (Moblog) was first created by Tom Vilmer Paamand on May 21, 2000.
The world's first mobile phone virus created by Job de Haas.
SMS (Short Messages Services) was first sent over the Vodafone GSM network in the UK in December 1992. The sound of writing that is sent is "Merry Christmas".
Phones that have the ability to move in a dual mode (GSM / WCDMA), the first in the world is Nokia 6650. This phone was launched on September 26, 2002.
The world's smallest mobile phone held by the Xun Chi 138.
The first commercial mobile phone to be launched into the market was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X in 1983.
Telecommunications operators with the largest number of subscribers in the world on hold by China Mobile
The world's first camera phone was the Sharp J-SH04 issued in Japan in November of 2000
Donald Duck banned in Finland because Donald does not wear pants
The most popular name, and most often used in the world is Mohammed.
Butterflies taste there at his feet
Chickens that have been severed his neck was still able to run along the football field before actually dying.
BC the English language is BC (Before Christ). Once the CE is A.D (Anno Domini)
Shark tooth loss is more than 6000buah every year, and grow new teeth within 24 hours
Julius Caesar was killed with 23 stab wounds
Nissan name comes from the Japanese Ni: 2 and San: 3. Nissan: 23
Giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels
Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks so that it does not digest itself.
98% of rapes and murders committed by a close family member or friend of the victim.
Ants can lift 50 times its body
Declaration of Independence was written on paper marijuana
The dot over the letter i is called a 'title'
Cities with the largest population in the world is the city of Tokyo which has an estimated population of more than 33 million people
Hong Kong is a city with the nickname of 'tallest' in the world, because it has about more than 7,500 skyscrapers, more than buildings 'sky scratcher' who owned the city of New York.
A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down the glass
Benjamin Franklin was the youngest child of a parent's youngest offspring to 5 in the family's youngest.
Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of 13. Paraskevidekatriaphobia means fear of Friday the 13th (which occurs between 1-3 times a year). in Italy, 17 is an unlucky number. Japan's unlucky number is 4
Lutuk long standing without bending at all will make you pass out
The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
Most people can hear better with the right ear
David Sarnoff received the Titanic signal and saved hundreds of passengers. He eventually became head of the radio network, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC).
Starfish have no brains
city with the largest falls on the city of Mount Isa is located in the sea Barad Queensland, Australia.
The smallest city in the world is our Hum, Croatia
In Italy, Micky Mouse is better known by the name 'Topolino'
A healthy human eye (not color blind) can distinguish between 500 types
gray color.
Hippo fart through the mouth.
Queen Elizabeth I suffered Anthophobia (fear of roses)
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
Europe is a continent without a desert
Flies jump backwards when going to fly
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear
Vitamins in fruits are usually found on the skin
Venus and Uranus are the planets in our solar system that rotates against
clockwise. So the sun rises from the west on the planet.
Coconuts kill about 150 people each year. More than sharks
Mosquitoes prefer children than adults.
If we keep goldfish in a dark room, the color will turn white.
In golf, a 'Bo Derek' is a score of 10.
Rat-average person moves 40 times in his sleep
The word ZIP (postal code) is an extension of the 'Zoning Improvement Plan'.
In 4000 years, no new types of pets.
There are only penguins at the south pole, and could not cross the equator.
Hawaiian alphabet consists of 12 letters alone
Muscles that work the fastest muscle in your body we are dikelopak eyes that make us blink. we can blink in a second 5kali
Pearls can dissolve in vinegar.
Pigs can not sweat because they have no sweat glands. They
covered in mud to cool the skin.
Some types of tape worms will eat themselves if hungry!, Basic dumb animals! Hehe
Chocolate melts in your mouth because its melting point is 35 degrees centigrade
The average car horn sounded on the tone F
Our eyeball weighs about 28 grams
Polar bears skin is black. Its fur is actually clear, and appear white in the snow.
The word "lethologica" describes a time when we can not remember what we want.
Hamsters love to eat crickets
The name Jeep (jeep) comes from the abbreviation "GP", the army to General
The international telephone dialing code for Antarctica is 672.
Men are more able to read text with font size smaller than women.
4 symbols on the king of playing cards represents the four kings in the days etrkenal
each: Spades = David / King David, Clubs = Alexander the Great / Alexander the Great, Hearts = Charlemagne / King of France, Diamonds = Julius Caesar
Above the equator passing around 200 foreign satellites, including spy satellites
RSVP is a response is S'il Vous Plait, meaning 'please reply'
Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.
Hedgehogs have a human-like fingerprints.
We rub garlic on the heel of the foot would sink can be smelled in our breath.
Hedenophobic means fear of pleasure.
Goat has an rectangular pupils
Koalas have two thumbs
You can lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs.
Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying
Astronauts are prohibited from eating peanuts before the crawl space
because if you pass gas in special clothes astronauts could harm them.
The voice that we hear from the shells instead of the sound waves of the sea, but the sound of blood flow in our heads.
In the movie Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter character never blinks.
If we are locked in the room is airtight, we will first die
CO2 poisoning from the lack of o2
Adult bears can run as fast as a horse
Deer Santa named: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen
We breathe approximately 23,000 times every day
Apollo 11 plaque left on the moon reads "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon July 1969 AD / WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL Mankind. "
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlll, a name that is quite strange and difficult to read?, But did you know it is the name of a village in North Wales, UK.
Lice actually prefer to live in a clean scalp than on the gross
People in China who speak more English than people in the United
In a survey of 200,000 ostriches over 80 years, no one to bury his head in the ground.
Before there was Maine called Boatlag
Age of the dragonfly is 24 hours
Bats are the only mammals that can fly
Rats and horses can not vomit
It took 10 years for Leonardo Da Vinci to paint Mona Lisa.Lukisan were not marked and given a date. Leonardo and Mona has an identical bone structure and according to X-rays, there are three versions of the painting under the painting.
The left lung is smaller than the right lung to make room for the heart.
Men lose 40 hairs per day. women 70 strands.
Camels have three eyelids.
A crocodile can not stick its tongue out.
Our lifetime drinking water of approximately 75 000 liters
A strand of hair on our heads have time to grow 2 to 6 years
before it is replaced with new hair
Sharks are immune to cancer
If you sneeze too hard can crack ribs. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. if forcing your eyes open while sneezing, eye ball can pop out.
Chocolate can kill dogs, because it directly affects the heart and
nervous system
The mouth produces 1 liter of saliva each day
Shakespeare invented the word "assassination" and "bump."
More People suffering from a fear of open spaces
(Kenophobia) rather than frightened in enclosed spaces (claustrophobia).
On average we speak 5000 words per day (although 80% of it we're talking to yourself)
Coca-Cola contained Coca (which is the active ingredient in cocaine) from 1885 until 1903.
Newborn babies have 350 bones. They merge or disappear until
to 206 at the age of 5 years.
One out of every 9000 people is an albino
Nail Armstrong first walked on the moon with the left foot.
Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors, the helicopter, and many other tools.
Fresh eggs sink diair, expired eggs floating
Giraffe tongue length is about 50 cm
Broccoli and cauliflower are the vegetables in the form of flowers.
Shuttlecocks for badminton must have 14 feathers.
13% of people in the world is left-handed
The 'save' in Microsoft Office programs shows a floppy disk with the shutter the image upside down
Red dot on the 7-Up logo comes from the red-eyed inventor. He was an albino.
Any person, including identical twins, fingerprints and tongue are the same.
If the quota of water in our body decreases 1%, we will immediately feel thirsty
Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin both married their first cousins (Elsa Lwenthal and Emma Wedgewood).
Someone will still be conscious for 8 seconds after beheading
Without the mixed saliva in the mouth, we will not feel the taste of food
4kali Fingernails grow faster than toenails
Most lipstick contains fish scales
Newborns severe head quarter of its body weight
We actually see with the brain. eyes just a camera that sends data to the brain. 1 / 4 part of the brain are used to regulate the eye
Scorpions can be killed with water it with vinegar, they will be angry and sting itself
1830s ketchup was sold as medicine.
Three wise monkeys have a name: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil).
India has the right to Law cow
The name of the Philippines comes from the name of King Philip
Saudi Arabia comes from the name of King Saud
The children have 20 teeth early. Adults have a 32
Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood
Each cycle of 11 years, the sun's magnetic poles swap places. This cycle is called "Solarmax".
There are 318,979,564,000 possible combinations of the first opening in chess.
There are more than 300 of tartar-forming bacteria
Tiger is the largest member of the family cat
Number "172" can be found in U.S. 5 dollar bill, on the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.
On the poster the movie 'Pretty Woman' Julia Robets too short to be aligned with Richard Gere. Then used as a body model Julia Shelley Michelle.
The sun's polar regions during the 186 days lost in knowledge
The first allied bombs dropped on Berlin during World War II. Killing is the only elephant in Berlin Zoo.
The average raindrop falls at 7 miles per hour
The name of the twin Gemini are Castor and Pullox
Bruce Lee was so fast that they had to slow film down so you could see his moves.
One kilo of body weight contains 7000 calories we
Same blood thick with sea water
Seawater in the Atlantic Ocean more salty than the Pacific Ocean
The mask used by Michael Myers in the horror film "Halloween" was actually a Captain Kirk mask figures (Star Trek) are painted white, due to lack of funds
The original name of butterfly (butterfly) was flutterby.
Babies are born every 7 seconds
One of the 14 original American woman with blond hair. Only one of 17 men
The Olympic was the brother of the Titanic, and served safely for 25 years.
When the Titanic sank, 2228 people were on it. Only 706 survived
In America, someone is diagnosed with AIDS every 10 minutes. In Africa,
someone dies of AIDS every 10 minutes
Until the age of 6 months, babies can swallow and breathe simultaneously.
Adults can not
The reason why most of the needle pointing diiklan clock at 10.10, because the clock like he was smiling
Each year the month of 3.82 cm away from the earth
When we survive and there is no food, leather belts and
Keds shoes are the best foods to eat because it contains enough nutrients to live temporarily.
In one drop of water contains 50 million bacteria
By raising your legs pelan2 and lying on your back straight,
we will not sink into quicksand.
One in 10 people living on an island
Eating celery throw more calories than the calories
contained in the celery itself
Lobsters can live for 100 years
Chewing gum is not sold in Disney Land
Cat's jaw can not move left and right
The name Arctic (North Pole) means bear in Greek (Arktos), and indeed there are only polar bears in the Arctic
If we stand at the bottom of the well, although we could see stars in daylight
The best technique is not stirred with a circular motion, but with
movement of the letter W
The scene the band continued to play music while the Titanic sank is a true story
The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from libraries
35% of people who join dating via the Internet, already married
CocaCola first green
Physically, the pig can not look to the sky
All polar bears are left-handed
Bats always turn left when exiting a cave
Jim Henson first use of the word "Muppet". The combination of "marionette" and "puppet."
Elephant the only animals that can not jump
The Michelin man (figure dressed in white cap and diiklan Michelin) named Mr. Bib. name was Bibendum in the first ads in 1896.
We can not lick your own elbow
About 14% of injecting drug users are HIV positive.
The sentence could be read the same front and back (racecar, kayak,
finished) is called a "palindrome".
A snail can sleep for 3 years
Due to the influence of rotation of the earth, if we throw towards the west, we will throw further fall towards the east than in
The electric chair was invented by a dentist
You share your birthday with 9 million people from around the world
Everyday, the average printed for Monopoly sets for 2 weeks
Aqua bottles and plastic food can only unravel completely in the soil after 50,000 years
Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, dogs only have about 10
Beaver teeth never stop growing
If Barbie were life size is 39-23-33 (99-58,5-84 cm). About 215 cm tall and had a neck 2kali longer than a normal human
Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times faster.
A Baboons named 'Jackie' became the official soldiers in the armed
South African forces in World War I
Bibliophile is the name for a collector of rare books. Bibliopole is a seller of rare books
Blue whales heart beats nine times per minute
Arabic numerals instead of Arabic origin, but was created in India.
Butterflies seen with the eye 12 000
Month February 1865 was the only month in recorded history
who did not get to experience the full moon.
A cockroach can live 9 days without a head, and would die of starvation
On Earth, one year is 365 days. On the planet Mercury is 2 days a year
At the age of 3 months the human fetus begins to form a fingerprint.
It took 6 months for toenails to grow from below the bottom until the end of the nail.
Memory fish just 3 seconds
The full moon tebih 9 times brighter than a half months.
For every memorial statue of a horse above, if the two front legs horse
raised, the person died in battle, if one leg
horses are raised, the person died of wounds in
battle, if four legs are on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
Horse bones more than 18 pieces of human bones
Jellyfish consists of 95% water
Zebra skin is black and white striped
Except for humans and monkeys, all mammals are color blind
Apple seeds contain cyanide
Penguins are birds that can not fly but can swim.
Winston Churchill was born in a ladies room during a dance
Cats sweat through the soles of his feet (especially when he heard a dog barking)
Cats can not taste the sweetness
In past wars, people who are color blind detector is needed on the team in military camouflage
Cows have no upper teeth
Ancient Egyptian priests plucked every hair and fur from their bodies.
Cow farts including the main cause of global warming
Ant always falls on your right side if given the insect venom
House cats hate the smell of lemons and all that smells of citrus
The original name is Donald Duck Donald Duck Flauntleroy
Dry Ice does not melt, but vaporize
Ostrich eye is larger than otakny
Every human has a different ear
80% of all animals in the world are insects
Peanuts are one of the ingredients to make dynamite
A bee could travel 4 miles per hour
Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
A "jiffy" is the scientific name for 1/100th of a second.
The first novel on a typewriter was Tom Sawyer
The cigarette lighter was invented before the match
Average in every chocolate candy bars are melted with insects.
Rhino horns are made of hardened hair
The shortest war in history was the war of Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes
Elvis had a twin brother named Garon, who died at birth,
then the middle name is Elvis Aron, in honor of his brother.
The creature that could only humans blush
Women blink twice as much as men.
People using the right hand, roughly, nine years longer than left-handed people age
If all the gold mined in the sea, every man in the world could get a gold 20 kg masing2.
If the human liver to stop working, people will die within 8 to 24 hours
A "quidnunc" is a term for people who always want to know the latest gossip.
If the sun suddenly goes out, it took eight minutes for people to realize it.
25% of human bones in the foot.
About 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.
If we lose one eye, we will lose one fifth of our vision and lost all depth perception of objects.
With both hands stretched out as far as possible, the distance from both ends of the arms is the same with our high.
Rape means we've got nearly a million seconds to enjoy it
In Japan, a coffee shop called 'Kissaten'.
Boil an ostrich egg takes 40 minutes.
Jaguar afraid of dogs
Elephants only sleep 2 hours a day
Johnny Deep fear of clowns
Ganymede is a moon of Jupiter, the largest moon in our solar system, larger than the planet Mercury.
Latte in Italian is the milk
Milk is actually more like food than drink.
There are over 450 types of cheese in the world. 240 come from France.
Dust particles inside the house most of them from dead skin cells
In English, 'Naked' means without protection. 'Nude' means
Mostly people who suffer from a fear of open spaces (kenophobia) than frightened in enclosed spaces (claustrophobia).
»A fact unique in the world, the unique facts of the world, the world's unique, unique names in the Japanese language, the unique facts in the world, where the giraffe is found, a fact unique worldwid
The fastest animal in the world is a Falcon
Animals that have the loudest voice is the blue whale
The smallest vertebrate animals are stout infantfish
The world's largest flower is Rafflesia arnoldii
World's smallest flower is a plant species Genus Wolffia
The tallest tree is Hyperion (115.2 meters)
3G service subscribers in the world is NTT DoCoMo of Japan.
The fastest SMS typed record held by Ang Chuang Yang.
The hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth is an area in El Azizia, Sahara on 13 September 1922 is at 57.8 ° C (136 ° F).
Plants that existed since the dinosaur age is maidenhair tree
Lake of the Dead Sea is the lowest place in the world with a height of 417.5 meters below sea level!
Lake of the Dead Sea has a salinity level of water reaches 33%.
Wettest places in the world (the wettest place in the world) is Cherrapunji, located 1290 m above sea level receives an average rainfall per year is 1270 cm.
Mobile blogging (Moblog) was first created by Tom Vilmer Paamand on May 21, 2000.
The world's first mobile phone virus created by Job de Haas.
SMS (Short Messages Services) was first sent over the Vodafone GSM network in the UK in December 1992. The sound of writing that is sent is "Merry Christmas".
Phones that have the ability to move in a dual mode (GSM / WCDMA), the first in the world is Nokia 6650. This phone was launched on September 26, 2002.
The world's smallest mobile phone held by the Xun Chi 138.
The first commercial mobile phone to be launched into the market was the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X in 1983.
Telecommunications operators with the largest number of subscribers in the world on hold by China Mobile
The world's first camera phone was the Sharp J-SH04 issued in Japan in November of 2000
Donald Duck banned in Finland because Donald does not wear pants
The most popular name, and most often used in the world is Mohammed.
Butterflies taste there at his feet
Chickens that have been severed his neck was still able to run along the football field before actually dying.
BC the English language is BC (Before Christ). Once the CE is A.D (Anno Domini)
Shark tooth loss is more than 6000buah every year, and grow new teeth within 24 hours
Julius Caesar was killed with 23 stab wounds
Nissan name comes from the Japanese Ni: 2 and San: 3. Nissan: 23
Giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels
Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks so that it does not digest itself.
98% of rapes and murders committed by a close family member or friend of the victim.
Ants can lift 50 times its body
Declaration of Independence was written on paper marijuana
The dot over the letter i is called a 'title'
Cities with the largest population in the world is the city of Tokyo which has an estimated population of more than 33 million people
Hong Kong is a city with the nickname of 'tallest' in the world, because it has about more than 7,500 skyscrapers, more than buildings 'sky scratcher' who owned the city of New York.
A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down the glass
Benjamin Franklin was the youngest child of a parent's youngest offspring to 5 in the family's youngest.
Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of 13. Paraskevidekatriaphobia means fear of Friday the 13th (which occurs between 1-3 times a year). in Italy, 17 is an unlucky number. Japan's unlucky number is 4
Lutuk long standing without bending at all will make you pass out
The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
Most people can hear better with the right ear
David Sarnoff received the Titanic signal and saved hundreds of passengers. He eventually became head of the radio network, the National Broadcasting Company (NBC).
Starfish have no brains
city with the largest falls on the city of Mount Isa is located in the sea Barad Queensland, Australia.
The smallest city in the world is our Hum, Croatia
In Italy, Micky Mouse is better known by the name 'Topolino'
A healthy human eye (not color blind) can distinguish between 500 types
gray color.
Hippo fart through the mouth.
Queen Elizabeth I suffered Anthophobia (fear of roses)
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
Europe is a continent without a desert
Flies jump backwards when going to fly
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear
Vitamins in fruits are usually found on the skin
Venus and Uranus are the planets in our solar system that rotates against
clockwise. So the sun rises from the west on the planet.
Coconuts kill about 150 people each year. More than sharks
Mosquitoes prefer children than adults.
If we keep goldfish in a dark room, the color will turn white.
In golf, a 'Bo Derek' is a score of 10.
Rat-average person moves 40 times in his sleep
The word ZIP (postal code) is an extension of the 'Zoning Improvement Plan'.
In 4000 years, no new types of pets.
There are only penguins at the south pole, and could not cross the equator.
Hawaiian alphabet consists of 12 letters alone
Muscles that work the fastest muscle in your body we are dikelopak eyes that make us blink. we can blink in a second 5kali
Pearls can dissolve in vinegar.
Pigs can not sweat because they have no sweat glands. They
covered in mud to cool the skin.
Some types of tape worms will eat themselves if hungry!, Basic dumb animals! Hehe
Chocolate melts in your mouth because its melting point is 35 degrees centigrade
The average car horn sounded on the tone F
Our eyeball weighs about 28 grams
Polar bears skin is black. Its fur is actually clear, and appear white in the snow.
The word "lethologica" describes a time when we can not remember what we want.
Hamsters love to eat crickets
The name Jeep (jeep) comes from the abbreviation "GP", the army to General
The international telephone dialing code for Antarctica is 672.
Men are more able to read text with font size smaller than women.
4 symbols on the king of playing cards represents the four kings in the days etrkenal
each: Spades = David / King David, Clubs = Alexander the Great / Alexander the Great, Hearts = Charlemagne / King of France, Diamonds = Julius Caesar
Above the equator passing around 200 foreign satellites, including spy satellites
RSVP is a response is S'il Vous Plait, meaning 'please reply'
Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants.
Hedgehogs have a human-like fingerprints.
We rub garlic on the heel of the foot would sink can be smelled in our breath.
Hedenophobic means fear of pleasure.
Goat has an rectangular pupils
Koalas have two thumbs
You can lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs.
Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying
Astronauts are prohibited from eating peanuts before the crawl space
because if you pass gas in special clothes astronauts could harm them.
The voice that we hear from the shells instead of the sound waves of the sea, but the sound of blood flow in our heads.
In the movie Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal Lecter character never blinks.
If we are locked in the room is airtight, we will first die
CO2 poisoning from the lack of o2
Adult bears can run as fast as a horse
Deer Santa named: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen
We breathe approximately 23,000 times every day
Apollo 11 plaque left on the moon reads "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon July 1969 AD / WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL Mankind. "
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlll, a name that is quite strange and difficult to read?, But did you know it is the name of a village in North Wales, UK.
Lice actually prefer to live in a clean scalp than on the gross
People in China who speak more English than people in the United
In a survey of 200,000 ostriches over 80 years, no one to bury his head in the ground.
Before there was Maine called Boatlag
Age of the dragonfly is 24 hours
Bats are the only mammals that can fly
Rats and horses can not vomit
It took 10 years for Leonardo Da Vinci to paint Mona Lisa.Lukisan were not marked and given a date. Leonardo and Mona has an identical bone structure and according to X-rays, there are three versions of the painting under the painting.
The left lung is smaller than the right lung to make room for the heart.
Men lose 40 hairs per day. women 70 strands.
Camels have three eyelids.
A crocodile can not stick its tongue out.
Our lifetime drinking water of approximately 75 000 liters
A strand of hair on our heads have time to grow 2 to 6 years
before it is replaced with new hair
Sharks are immune to cancer
If you sneeze too hard can crack ribs. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die. if forcing your eyes open while sneezing, eye ball can pop out.
Chocolate can kill dogs, because it directly affects the heart and
nervous system
The mouth produces 1 liter of saliva each day
Shakespeare invented the word "assassination" and "bump."
More People suffering from a fear of open spaces
(Kenophobia) rather than frightened in enclosed spaces (claustrophobia).
On average we speak 5000 words per day (although 80% of it we're talking to yourself)
Coca-Cola contained Coca (which is the active ingredient in cocaine) from 1885 until 1903.
Newborn babies have 350 bones. They merge or disappear until
to 206 at the age of 5 years.
One out of every 9000 people is an albino
Nail Armstrong first walked on the moon with the left foot.
Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors, the helicopter, and many other tools.
Fresh eggs sink diair, expired eggs floating
Giraffe tongue length is about 50 cm
Broccoli and cauliflower are the vegetables in the form of flowers.
Shuttlecocks for badminton must have 14 feathers.
13% of people in the world is left-handed
The 'save' in Microsoft Office programs shows a floppy disk with the shutter the image upside down
Red dot on the 7-Up logo comes from the red-eyed inventor. He was an albino.
Any person, including identical twins, fingerprints and tongue are the same.
If the quota of water in our body decreases 1%, we will immediately feel thirsty
Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin both married their first cousins (Elsa Lwenthal and Emma Wedgewood).
Someone will still be conscious for 8 seconds after beheading
Without the mixed saliva in the mouth, we will not feel the taste of food
4kali Fingernails grow faster than toenails
Most lipstick contains fish scales
Newborns severe head quarter of its body weight
We actually see with the brain. eyes just a camera that sends data to the brain. 1 / 4 part of the brain are used to regulate the eye
Scorpions can be killed with water it with vinegar, they will be angry and sting itself
1830s ketchup was sold as medicine.
Three wise monkeys have a name: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil).
India has the right to Law cow
The name of the Philippines comes from the name of King Philip
Saudi Arabia comes from the name of King Saud
The children have 20 teeth early. Adults have a 32
Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood
Each cycle of 11 years, the sun's magnetic poles swap places. This cycle is called "Solarmax".
There are 318,979,564,000 possible combinations of the first opening in chess.
There are more than 300 of tartar-forming bacteria
Tiger is the largest member of the family cat
Number "172" can be found in U.S. 5 dollar bill, on the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial.
On the poster the movie 'Pretty Woman' Julia Robets too short to be aligned with Richard Gere. Then used as a body model Julia Shelley Michelle.
The sun's polar regions during the 186 days lost in knowledge
The first allied bombs dropped on Berlin during World War II. Killing is the only elephant in Berlin Zoo.
The average raindrop falls at 7 miles per hour
The name of the twin Gemini are Castor and Pullox
Bruce Lee was so fast that they had to slow film down so you could see his moves.
One kilo of body weight contains 7000 calories we
Same blood thick with sea water
Seawater in the Atlantic Ocean more salty than the Pacific Ocean
The mask used by Michael Myers in the horror film "Halloween" was actually a Captain Kirk mask figures (Star Trek) are painted white, due to lack of funds
The original name of butterfly (butterfly) was flutterby.
Babies are born every 7 seconds
One of the 14 original American woman with blond hair. Only one of 17 men
The Olympic was the brother of the Titanic, and served safely for 25 years.
When the Titanic sank, 2228 people were on it. Only 706 survived
In America, someone is diagnosed with AIDS every 10 minutes. In Africa,
someone dies of AIDS every 10 minutes
Until the age of 6 months, babies can swallow and breathe simultaneously.
Adults can not
The reason why most of the needle pointing diiklan clock at 10.10, because the clock like he was smiling
Each year the month of 3.82 cm away from the earth
When we survive and there is no food, leather belts and
Keds shoes are the best foods to eat because it contains enough nutrients to live temporarily.
In one drop of water contains 50 million bacteria
By raising your legs pelan2 and lying on your back straight,
we will not sink into quicksand.
One in 10 people living on an island
Eating celery throw more calories than the calories
contained in the celery itself
Lobsters can live for 100 years
Chewing gum is not sold in Disney Land
Cat's jaw can not move left and right
The name Arctic (North Pole) means bear in Greek (Arktos), and indeed there are only polar bears in the Arctic
If we stand at the bottom of the well, although we could see stars in daylight
The best technique is not stirred with a circular motion, but with
movement of the letter W
The scene the band continued to play music while the Titanic sank is a true story
The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from libraries
35% of people who join dating via the Internet, already married
CocaCola first green
Physically, the pig can not look to the sky
All polar bears are left-handed
Bats always turn left when exiting a cave
Jim Henson first use of the word "Muppet". The combination of "marionette" and "puppet."
Elephant the only animals that can not jump
The Michelin man (figure dressed in white cap and diiklan Michelin) named Mr. Bib. name was Bibendum in the first ads in 1896.
We can not lick your own elbow
About 14% of injecting drug users are HIV positive.
The sentence could be read the same front and back (racecar, kayak,
finished) is called a "palindrome".
A snail can sleep for 3 years
Due to the influence of rotation of the earth, if we throw towards the west, we will throw further fall towards the east than in
The electric chair was invented by a dentist
You share your birthday with 9 million people from around the world
Everyday, the average printed for Monopoly sets for 2 weeks
Aqua bottles and plastic food can only unravel completely in the soil after 50,000 years
Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, dogs only have about 10
Beaver teeth never stop growing
If Barbie were life size is 39-23-33 (99-58,5-84 cm). About 215 cm tall and had a neck 2kali longer than a normal human
Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times faster.
A Baboons named 'Jackie' became the official soldiers in the armed
South African forces in World War I
Bibliophile is the name for a collector of rare books. Bibliopole is a seller of rare books
Blue whales heart beats nine times per minute
Arabic numerals instead of Arabic origin, but was created in India.
Butterflies seen with the eye 12 000
Month February 1865 was the only month in recorded history
who did not get to experience the full moon.
A cockroach can live 9 days without a head, and would die of starvation
On Earth, one year is 365 days. On the planet Mercury is 2 days a year
At the age of 3 months the human fetus begins to form a fingerprint.
It took 6 months for toenails to grow from below the bottom until the end of the nail.
Memory fish just 3 seconds
The full moon tebih 9 times brighter than a half months.
For every memorial statue of a horse above, if the two front legs horse
raised, the person died in battle, if one leg
horses are raised, the person died of wounds in
battle, if four legs are on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
Horse bones more than 18 pieces of human bones
Jellyfish consists of 95% water
Zebra skin is black and white striped
Except for humans and monkeys, all mammals are color blind
Apple seeds contain cyanide
Penguins are birds that can not fly but can swim.
Winston Churchill was born in a ladies room during a dance
Cats sweat through the soles of his feet (especially when he heard a dog barking)
Cats can not taste the sweetness
In past wars, people who are color blind detector is needed on the team in military camouflage
Cows have no upper teeth
Ancient Egyptian priests plucked every hair and fur from their bodies.
Cow farts including the main cause of global warming
Ant always falls on your right side if given the insect venom
House cats hate the smell of lemons and all that smells of citrus
The original name is Donald Duck Donald Duck Flauntleroy
Dry Ice does not melt, but vaporize
Ostrich eye is larger than otakny
Every human has a different ear
80% of all animals in the world are insects
Peanuts are one of the ingredients to make dynamite
A bee could travel 4 miles per hour
Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
A "jiffy" is the scientific name for 1/100th of a second.
The first novel on a typewriter was Tom Sawyer
The cigarette lighter was invented before the match
Average in every chocolate candy bars are melted with insects.
Rhino horns are made of hardened hair
The shortest war in history was the war of Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes
Elvis had a twin brother named Garon, who died at birth,
then the middle name is Elvis Aron, in honor of his brother.
The creature that could only humans blush
Women blink twice as much as men.
People using the right hand, roughly, nine years longer than left-handed people age
If all the gold mined in the sea, every man in the world could get a gold 20 kg masing2.
If the human liver to stop working, people will die within 8 to 24 hours
A "quidnunc" is a term for people who always want to know the latest gossip.
If the sun suddenly goes out, it took eight minutes for people to realize it.
25% of human bones in the foot.
About 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year.
If we lose one eye, we will lose one fifth of our vision and lost all depth perception of objects.
With both hands stretched out as far as possible, the distance from both ends of the arms is the same with our high.
Rape means we've got nearly a million seconds to enjoy it
In Japan, a coffee shop called 'Kissaten'.
Boil an ostrich egg takes 40 minutes.
Jaguar afraid of dogs
Elephants only sleep 2 hours a day
Johnny Deep fear of clowns
Ganymede is a moon of Jupiter, the largest moon in our solar system, larger than the planet Mercury.
Latte in Italian is the milk
Milk is actually more like food than drink.
There are over 450 types of cheese in the world. 240 come from France.
Dust particles inside the house most of them from dead skin cells
In English, 'Naked' means without protection. 'Nude' means
Mostly people who suffer from a fear of open spaces (kenophobia) than frightened in enclosed spaces (claustrophobia).
»A fact unique in the world, the unique facts of the world, the world's unique, unique names in the Japanese language, the unique facts in the world, where the giraffe is found, a fact unique worldwid
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Relentlessly between 1990 and 1998, has been diagnosed as many as 1791 cases of mumps cases in children of Ukraine, who lived in the area around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Experts have linked all of these cancers in the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Expected to be found more and more kasus.Kecacatan at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant design using nuclear reactors known as RBMK-1000, built and designed by the Soviets, and then to the present is not used anywhere in the world.
nuclear reactor Chernobyl Nuclear Accident Chernobyl sarcophagus
RMBK-1000 using graphite blocks in lieu of water cooled yes. It is developed for two reasons: to generate electricity, and also provides a level of plutonium in weapons for the Soviet Union constantly-this is one of the byproducts of the graphite system. During the cold war, the Soviet Union is determined to produce weapons of mass destruction, the equivalent of U.S. nuclear weapons program. With the supply of plutonium continuous and reliable then the Soviet Union could continually expand their nuclear arsenals and simultaneously provide electricity for their country.
However, problems in the RBMK-1000, as stated in the report "Chernobyl Ten Years On," which is that this design is very dangerous, and has no tolerance for operator error, nor do I have a routine operation for safety terpasang.Singkatnya error, the type nuclear reactors are built and used in the United States and elsewhere, if the reactor began to lose cooling water, the reactor was started to reduce the speed of fission (power production) this in itself trying to reduce the heat caused by reduced cooling. In the RBMK-1000, if the system loses cooling water, it will trigger more rapid cleavage, and the core becomes hotter. It's really contrary to the ideal response to the reduced cooling water, and many countries are trying to convince the Soviet Union can be said to be playing with fire (nuclear). It is clear that the Soviets were willing to take risks in order to obtain plutonium
On April 26, 1985, at 1:24 AM, the Unit 4 of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant exploded. There were two very large explosions within 3 seconds, which had collapsed the roof of the building. Radioactive gas, collapsed buildings, and materials coming from inside the reactor building, thrown into the air as high as two-thirds of a mile (1 km). Pieces flake reactor fuel is very hot in the air and crashed in the distance almost reached 1 mile (1.6 km) away, lit a radioactive fire that lit up the area.
Two workers were killed instantly, and twenty-nine people wallow in the radiation is so high that they can say it's dead start. although most of them are still alive for several weeks in the hospital, and felt the suffering of the final stage of the extreme toxicity of this. Hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated from surrounding towns, countless animals are destroyed to avoid the ingestion of meat that have been exposed to toxic radiation, and many European nations refused shipments of rice from any area that is close to the Ukraine, asking the residents to wash all fruits and vegetables, even though they were their own native country.
Chernobyl accident occurred because some workers tried to experiment unofficially and low strength, which includes the deadly actions of emergency cooling system. By the time everyone realizes that the core is too hot, it was too late to play the reverse of this process (they were less careful with letting the hot channel bend where the pieces of the fuel should go in there) the next thing they know is the roof has flown, two people were killed and a cloud of lethal gas had spread throughout the area.
Radioactivity from the Chernobyl explosion was detected until the end to the United States. Soviet leaders did not say a word about this explosion until two days later, on 28 April, after Swedish scientists reported an increase in radioactivity in the atmosphere of their own country, and then trace it back to Chernobyl. Even after they preached what had happened, on Soviet population did not have a way to respond to such a monumental disaster.
Chernobyl reactor finally put in a concrete structure known as a sarcophagus. More than six hundred thousand workers, known as the "liquidator" working to clean up construction of the reactor and sarcophagus. Cement layer is built with the bad, and began terjad kebocorari radiation several years after construction is completed. More and more work is done to ensure kekokohannya, temy. safety is still questionable. Chernobyl nuclear accident was the worst nuclear accident sepanta the future. The accident occurred shortly after the accident at Three Mile Island, this further strengthens anti-nuclear movement, and has inspired many countries to create a new security regulations for the construction and operation of nuclear power plants that baru.Sebagai long-term health effects, the spread of radiation from Chernobyl is estimated resulted in hundreds of thousands of new cancer cases, and tens of thousands of them will end with death.
NEA report summarizes the impact of the Chernobyl accident in the initial report in 2001:
The history of the modern industrial world has been repeatedly affected by disasters that are equivalent or even more severe than the Chernobyl accident. However, these accidents have a significant impact on society and humans. This not only causes severe health consequences, but also cause economic damage to industry and short-term and also long-term consequences in terms of socio-economic turmoil, psychological distress, and damage to the image of nuclear energy. It is expected to last for a long time.
Fifteen years after the Chernobyl accident, the international community is still studying and trying to generalize this to the case of smaller accidents. Hopefully, this lesson is never repeated in the event with the size and scale of Chernobyl.
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Dreams are the flowers sleep, sleep without dreams is like rice without chicken, icon biggrin 100 Meaning of Dreams (Flower Bed) Sometimes we are confused by the dream that we get. Want to know the meaning of your dreams? Here are the meanings that often appear in dreams in our sleep:
100 Meaning of dream sleep (Sleep Flowers)
Given the child's dream: It would have riches.
Dream fight with someone but lost: It would be put to shame.
Dream of trading at the market: bad omen, because we will have difficulty in finding a job.
Dream goes through a lot of thorns: Will experience a failure of what had been our wish.
Dream walking dijembatan rocky: Will get salvation.
Dreams went very far: Will get longevity.
Dream walking on the street that has two directions: It would be a loss.
Dream fight with your boss: Will receive praise from the boss.
Dreams of seeing a husband and wife quarrel: Will experience a decline in health.
Dreams of people who are breaking up a fight: It shall be consulted by people to solve a problem.
Dream fight with others: Will receive a warm welcome at all of the lovers.
Dreams fornicate with prostitutes: Will get a faithful wife and a full understanding.
Adultery with her own dream: It would be a loss or misfortune.
Dreams adultery with widow: Will gets a wife who was a girl.
Dreams fornicate with a princess: Will experience a loss.
Dreams adultery with a goddess / fairy: Will have a son in marriage.
Berziina dream in WC: Will gets a disgrace.
Dreams of seeing the full moon: It would be a huge benefit.
Dreams of seeing the moon fell: It would be in trouble.
Dream to see birds egrets: Will always be wrong in talking. Therefore must be careful when talking with others.
Dream of holding a dove: Will get a newspaper or news.
Hear the birds singing dream: Will get the money.
Dreams of seeing a singing canary in a cage: Will be happy.
Dreaming sparrow: Will be planning a business.
Dream to see birds turtledoves: Will get a good boy attitude.
Dream to see our shining star: Will be promoted.
Dreams of seeing a shooting star: Will receive a blessing from God.
Dream to see our home star falling cubeb: Will get happiness.
Dream no crocodiles in the house: It would get profit.
Dreams of seeing crocodiles: There are people who secretly will harm us.
Dreams of seeing crocodiles go into time: Will gain success.
Dream of handing out flowers to a friend: It would be parting with friends.
Dreams of seeing a variety of interest: Will be happy.
Dream sex with a lover: The love that we are building will flourish.
Dreams are just starting to make love: Will experience with our lovers quarrel.
Dreams fail in lovemaking; Would be able to nurture in love with both.
A dream saw a mattress in the blood: It would be in trouble.
Dream to see no blood: Will felt something very tasty.
Dreams were given wallet by an unknown person: Will have difficulty in performing their duties.
Dream of finding an empty wallet: Will get the real news we do not want to hear it again.
Dream to see full wallet containing money: Will get happiness.
Dreams of seeing the tie: It would have good luck.
Dream of wearing a tie: It would suffer from the disease.
Dreams give salary / wage on the wife / husband: Will won the trust in terms of love.
Dreams get a paycheck: It won the trust of superiors.
Dream to see the boss handing out salaries to friends: Will get a job / new job.
Dreams provide salaries to employees: It would be liked by your friends.
Dream to help people affected by the earthquake: Will be having good luck in business.
Dreams felt an earthquake: Will move from its original assignment.
No one dreams of teeth: There will be one of his family who died.
Toothache dream, crying: Will get a hitch.
Dreams of seeing the mountain erupts: Will get a respectable position.
Dream up the steep mountain once and reach the top: Will achieve progress in the business.
Dreams meet teachers: Will get a gift.
Dream was studied: Will get good science.
Dreams of seeing the eclipse of the sun or moon: It would be a failure.
Dreams of seeing elephants come into the house: It would be promoted.
Dreams of seeing elephants: It won praise from the ranking.
Dream of seeing an elephant out of the house: Will the arrival of the honored guests.
Dreams being chased ghosts: Will find his own mistakes.
Dreams speak with ghosts: Will succeed in achieving something.
Dream was tried by a judge: It would be protected from slander.
Dream became a judge: Will obtaining a high position.
Dreams of seeing a tiger entered the house but then again: It would have no lasting romance.
Dreams chased the tiger: It would have good luck because as soon as possible to get a mate.
A dream to shoot the tiger: Will get a lot of fortune.
Dreams of seeing a wide variety of dishes: Will achieve happiness in life.
Dreams are enjoying the cuisine: Will get a fortune.
Dreams of seeing rain from afar: Will find trouble.
Dreams see anyone caught in the rain: It would have trouble.
Dream of rain accompanied by gale: Will get something that flavor.
Dreams of seeing the fruits of rain: It would be the leader of the evil doers.
Dreams of seeing snowfall: There are enemies that come but he would see corruption.
Dream of seeing heavy rain: To be sick.
Dream to see the cessation of rain for a long time: It will heal the pain for a long time.
Dreams are around the palace: It will soon meet with a man of honor.
Dreams are in the palace: Will get pleasure and happiness.
Dreams told the mother: Will receive a high degree.
Dreams of seeing mothers: Will get happiness.
Dream of making a bridge: It would be achieved in the pursuit of ideals.
Dreams through the bridge: A sign of the degree we would go up.
Dream up the boat and through bridge: Will do something with satisfactory results.
Dreams fall into the abyss: Will lack of fortune and will not be promoted.
Dreams dig abyss: Will get in trouble. Therefore we must be careful to talk with others.
Dream up the gap: It will soon be promoted.
Dream of leaving a ship: Will experience danger.
A dream saw a boat sailing: It will soon be getting a job.
Dreams see anyone on board: It would be successful.
Dreams are in a ship: Will succeed in building the ark household.
Dream of buying a boat: Work diligently we will grow by leaps and bounds.
Dream to see the buttons fell off: Will experience obstacles. It must be careful in doing or deciding something.
Dreams memsang buttons: A sign we need to fix mistakes.
Dreams feel lost buttons: Will get a warning of what we do.
Dreams feel alone with your husband / wife: To be successful in doing something.
Dikamar our dream of many: A sign we must be patient because there will be many people who will make fun of us.
Dream of being in a luxury room: It would have something to be desired.
Dream alone in the room: Will get the little things but problematic.
Dream was given a necklace by a person: It would be a profit.
Dream to buy a necklace at the store: It would be a virtuous person.
Dream of finding the street necklaces: Will be harmed by others.
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Maybe people do not believe that Mr. Marto are friendly and helpful people turned out to maintain tuyul. That's life, people can only see from the outside, sometimes we unknowingly trapped by the game others may even be trapped by our own game. Very generous people who look like Mr. Marto was to outwit many villagers Singkil Gombong Central Java. Yes, anyone who does not know Mr. Marto, small children to adults also must know him.
tuyul sightings and Pig Story Tuyul Ngepet Residents Steal Money
If there is any social activity the father is always helpful, even the rural roads that were once the soil and when rain is still muddy, thanks to the help and services he has already cemented. People who care difficult to get in the area. Mr. Marto known as a successful businessman, tea gardens, coffee, cattle and many more have. Not surprisingly luxurious kehidupanya. In the village of Pak Marto Singkil highly respected for his high social life.
The majority of villagers Singkil daily life of farming and trade, do not be surprised if in the village economy is stable, even today the young people prefer to open their own employment by way of self-employed, of course, it is proud of the village. Independence necessary for his living and to shape the character of sesesorang.
But the lives of the then disturbed by reports some villagers. In his report, some of the lost money. "Yes sir Lurah, the money I save in the home is lost, even though my house was shut tight, the third time this has happened, sir," explained one resident. "My money was also missing Pak Lurah," said another resident.
The loss experienced by some of the money the villagers, making the village chief's quick thinking. "All right gentlemen and ladies, we will investigate this matter as quickly as possible, the loss of money is beyond our reasoning, but still we are looking for and we will investigate," said village chief Wahyudi.
After negotiating with the clerics and community leaders the conclusion, that the cause of the loss of money villagers Singkil is tuyul deeds. "Well, it means we have to nurture citizens tuyul Pak Lurah," Sardi said villagers. "Less is more so, why would we catch tuyul it, then all was answered, who will really care," said village chief.
Some fishing equipment tuyul been prepared, including a large bucket, salt, plastic straps, plates, empty bottles and crab. Tuyul led to the arrest of Haji Rokhidin villagers believed had intelligence in the world of mystery.
Visible at night, Rokhidin pilgrimage, village chief and several residents gathered at the home of one of the villagers. "Tonight some spirits will come out of the nest, would be memcari tuyul prey, we prepare his tools, when the crab will move to and fro, means tuyul there," Haji Rokhidin to testify.
Not long after hajj memgusapkan handkerchief in front of some villagers so that later arrival tuyul can be viewed by residents. Day started tonight, but it has not seemed too tuyul. Mr. Bowo several times evaporated. "Oh, really sleepy tonight," she whispered. "Braak!," Suddenly there was a memebentur door of the house, looking a little boy running around playing crabs, look behind Hitan black pig sniffing out the door. Villagers who saw it all stared. "This is Mr. Lurah, the source of the problem our village," said the headman Haji Rokhidin Wahyudi. "Let's catch tuyul and pigs," Haji's orders.
Some people chase and beat the pig, while other residents tuyul catch it, even the sharp weapons that brought Mr. Bowo had about the pig's body, but the capture process does not produce results. However, what is seen village chief and village residents any indication that one exists bsatu villagers who maintain Ngepet tuyul and pigs.
In the morning the villagers grow Singkil wonder, one of the villagers died in terrible, without knowing the cause. "Who died sir," said the old village chief on its citizens.
It was Mr. Marto, his body bleeding fresh, sharp weapons like depleted taxable, "he said. "So Mr. Marto is the source of the problem in this village, it turns out Mr. Parto sought wealth illicitly, the material was blind," she whispered.
The death of Mr. Marto create commotion whole village, Pak Marto highly respected and generous is apparently only good front, from behind stabbed villagers. What to look for Mr. Marto has been reached and now have got in return. Life and action taken can be used as an example Mr. Marto villagers, everything received unreasonably will bring momentary pleasure, however, it will all end up at the end of endless suffering.
tuyul sightings and Pig Story Tuyul Ngepet Residents Steal Money
If there is any social activity the father is always helpful, even the rural roads that were once the soil and when rain is still muddy, thanks to the help and services he has already cemented. People who care difficult to get in the area. Mr. Marto known as a successful businessman, tea gardens, coffee, cattle and many more have. Not surprisingly luxurious kehidupanya. In the village of Pak Marto Singkil highly respected for his high social life.
The majority of villagers Singkil daily life of farming and trade, do not be surprised if in the village economy is stable, even today the young people prefer to open their own employment by way of self-employed, of course, it is proud of the village. Independence necessary for his living and to shape the character of sesesorang.
But the lives of the then disturbed by reports some villagers. In his report, some of the lost money. "Yes sir Lurah, the money I save in the home is lost, even though my house was shut tight, the third time this has happened, sir," explained one resident. "My money was also missing Pak Lurah," said another resident.
The loss experienced by some of the money the villagers, making the village chief's quick thinking. "All right gentlemen and ladies, we will investigate this matter as quickly as possible, the loss of money is beyond our reasoning, but still we are looking for and we will investigate," said village chief Wahyudi.
After negotiating with the clerics and community leaders the conclusion, that the cause of the loss of money villagers Singkil is tuyul deeds. "Well, it means we have to nurture citizens tuyul Pak Lurah," Sardi said villagers. "Less is more so, why would we catch tuyul it, then all was answered, who will really care," said village chief.
Some fishing equipment tuyul been prepared, including a large bucket, salt, plastic straps, plates, empty bottles and crab. Tuyul led to the arrest of Haji Rokhidin villagers believed had intelligence in the world of mystery.
Visible at night, Rokhidin pilgrimage, village chief and several residents gathered at the home of one of the villagers. "Tonight some spirits will come out of the nest, would be memcari tuyul prey, we prepare his tools, when the crab will move to and fro, means tuyul there," Haji Rokhidin to testify.
Not long after hajj memgusapkan handkerchief in front of some villagers so that later arrival tuyul can be viewed by residents. Day started tonight, but it has not seemed too tuyul. Mr. Bowo several times evaporated. "Oh, really sleepy tonight," she whispered. "Braak!," Suddenly there was a memebentur door of the house, looking a little boy running around playing crabs, look behind Hitan black pig sniffing out the door. Villagers who saw it all stared. "This is Mr. Lurah, the source of the problem our village," said the headman Haji Rokhidin Wahyudi. "Let's catch tuyul and pigs," Haji's orders.
Some people chase and beat the pig, while other residents tuyul catch it, even the sharp weapons that brought Mr. Bowo had about the pig's body, but the capture process does not produce results. However, what is seen village chief and village residents any indication that one exists bsatu villagers who maintain Ngepet tuyul and pigs.
In the morning the villagers grow Singkil wonder, one of the villagers died in terrible, without knowing the cause. "Who died sir," said the old village chief on its citizens.
It was Mr. Marto, his body bleeding fresh, sharp weapons like depleted taxable, "he said. "So Mr. Marto is the source of the problem in this village, it turns out Mr. Parto sought wealth illicitly, the material was blind," she whispered.
The death of Mr. Marto create commotion whole village, Pak Marto highly respected and generous is apparently only good front, from behind stabbed villagers. What to look for Mr. Marto has been reached and now have got in return. Life and action taken can be used as an example Mr. Marto villagers, everything received unreasonably will bring momentary pleasure, however, it will all end up at the end of endless suffering.
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