Some scientists are assessing President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) 'cheated' in the case of blue energy (blue energy). A man from Nganjuk, Joko Suprapto, claim to be producing crude oil from water. Of prickly oil could fuel classmates produced kerosene to jet fuel.
President believes that Indonesia is a contribution to the world, amid skyrocketing oil prices further. Meanwhile, the state made dizzy by the impact of that increase. Erratic course, some parties, including scientists, who have not regretted valid information can be received by SBY. Reportedly Joko now reported to the police.
Fraudsters 'entered the Palace' turned out to have a long history. Let us begin in the 1950's, during the government of President Sukarno. There was someone who claimed the King's camp - in tribal children in Edinburgh. No half-hearted, he gave himself the title of King K. and his wife Queen Markonah.
The couple 'married couple' it, somehow the process, get the press coverage, including photos of both. Thus, a number of state officials paid tribute to the extraordinary 'king' and 'queen' is.
Apparently there is an official who contacted President Sukarno and later introduced him. At the Palace, 'husband and wife' is actually a rickshaw puller and hooker it was accepted as a guest of honor at the Presidential Palace. They were also given money, stay and eat free at luxury hotels. Including visiting Yogyakarta and Surakarta.
Guise of fraud they uncovered during a walk in Jakarta. There was a pedicab driver who recognize the 'King' Idrus, friends seprofesinya in Tegal. Being the 'maharani' also revealed lower-class work as prostitutes in the same city. That said, the two met at a coffee shop in Tegal. Then agreed to run a fraud action. Privileges Markomah always wear sunglasses day or night. Apparently one of his eyes picek.
In the Soeharto era, the era of the 1970s, there were also big fish fraudsters. Swindler named Fona Cut Zahara, from Aceh. Although not complete primary school, he has a genius idea. She, who always wore a batik cloth, claiming that the fetus can speak and recite diperutnya.
Erratic course, the news was shocking the public, let alone been widely reported in newspapers and magazines. That said, the circulation of a newspaper terdongkrat capital increase, because each day makes the news about the 'miracle baby' in the stomach Cut Zahara.
People who arrive in droves was willing to eavesdrop on her belly-coated fabric to hear 'miracle baby' was talking or chanting. Not only rakayat usual, there are also officials who believe in it. Including Vice President Adam Malik, who invited Cut Zahara to the Vice Presidential Palace. In fact, the Minister of Religious Affairs Mohammed KH Dachlan including people who believe in it. To believe in it, he stated that Imam Syafi'ie for three years in his mother's womb.
Cut Zahara and her husband Fona Sekdalopbang been introduced by the Secretary (Development Control) Bardosono to President Soeharto and Mrs. Tien Soeharto. Introduction is done in Kemayoran Airport after they arrived from overseas trip. But, apparently Mrs. Tien including those who are less sure about the 'baby Zahara Cut ajaib' his Fona. Moreover, women in Aceh was refused when they wanted to be examined at the RSCM.
That said, Ms. Tienlah who searched and found that the speech and recite it just came from a small tape recorder that is inserted in the abdomen Cut Zahara. At that time I have found many small voice recorder's Cut.
Although his cover blown, 'miracle baby' is not only to public attention Indonesia, but also internationally. Until there is a request from Pakistan to Cut and her husband visited there. In fact, there is a fortune-telling 'miracle baby' that, if born would be Imam Mahdi.
Having not heard the case of the Palace at the time of President BJ Habibie, who was short term, at the time of President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) re fraud that links the National Palace. The culprit is Soewondo, usually in and out of court because the masseur so Gus Dur.
People who are considered 'close' with the number one in Indonesia that successfully deceive the Employee Welfare Fund Foundation (Yanatera) National Logistics Agency (Bulog) and accused of breaking into foundation money to $ 35 billion. Soewondo had escaped, but was later arrested by police in the area of Puncak, West Java. The court sentenced him to 3.5 years in prison.
The case had seized the attention of audiences and become the ultimate weapon for political opponents Gus Dur, who denied it had ordered fundraising. However, eventually Gus Dur also stepped down from his position because of the case known as the Buloggate.
At the time of President Megawati, scandal 'fraud' re-occur. This time the deluded is the Minister of Religious Affairs Said Agil Almunawar Kiai. Minister who holds a professor and hafidz Qur'an leads the excavation site in Bogor Batutulis believed to harbor a treasure whose value can be to pay the entire national debt.
According to Said Agil, President Megawati about plans of the excavation site that supposedly historic relics that Pajajaran Kingdom. Unfortunately, the treasure sought only pepesan empty. Said Agil itself is now still retained in the case of allegations of corruption money pilgrimage.
I hope residents of the Palace that became a symbol of national pride, the state and people of Indonesia, it is no longer a victim of fraud
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