Dec 2011
Dec 2011
Bounaroti Michelangelo (1475-1564) is a sculptor, painter and builder of the famous Italian Renaissance, a great artist is versatile and well rounded. Expertise in the field of sculpting, painting, building, and poetry gathered together at the same time on him.
He worked diligently throughout his life even though in the course of its creation over 70 years who had suffered many disappointments and misery, has spawned a lot of beautiful work that is exemplary, has added sheets for eternal treasure of human civilization. The work titled carvings to this day still used as teaching materials to be traced to any beginner who learned to paint.
On the ceiling, central hall cathedral Sistine, Michelangelo respectively 9 units have been painted ceiling fresco in the religious field framed by a frame / beam construction.
Michelangelo has represented the highest sculpture in Europe during the Renaissance, human sculpture gallant, charismatic, filled with energy that seemed boundless. A large number of his works in a realistic depiction of the basic pre-filled spiritual power that is not commonplace, a typical symbol of the whole era. Michelangelo's art is different from the spirit of scientific and philosophical considerations of Da Vinci, and in his art has poured himself a full excitement that is tragic. The nature of this tragic diexpresikan out with a beautiful and majestic style and heroes he created in addition to an ideal symbol also is a reflection of reality. The things that make his art into a high peak that is difficult unrivaled in the history of western art.
Michelangelo was born not far from Florence in a noble family Caprese. The father served as mayor of Chiusi and Caprese. It is said that when he was 6 years old his mother died, her father has invited a daughter of a bricklayer as the host (mother's milk). So when he was a toddler already has the disposition of a bricklayer, so that later became professor of sculptors and establish a lifelong affinity with marble.
Since childhood, Michelangelo has loved art. Although the father is not willing that his son become art experts of low social status, but eventually went along with her wishes anyway. Initially he studied painting in Florence the famous painter, Domenico Ghirlandaio, and then learn to sculpt under the direction of Lorenzo de 'Medici. Clan Medici art collection which is very much more and create more open-minded Michelangelo. When he was 16 years old had completed his first sculptures
Year 1496 Michelangelo came to Rome that he had long craved. Soon he has produced. Sculptures in the early days it has demonstrated his artistic creativity is very high. In the work, the dying Christ lying on the lap of his mother, the mother looked down towards his son, filled with the grief and affection. The whole work of making people in addition to grieve along with it arises a sense of beauty, having exhibited directly cause a commotion in the entire city of Rome, however people do not suspect that this is the work of newcomers who are not even 25 years old.
In Rome, Michelangelo's works in contact with the professor of ancient times, his artistic skills has boomed. Spring of 1501 after he returned to Florence to create the statue.
is the work that led to the success of Michelangelo, themanya taken from fairy tales. King David in ancient Israel, in his youth had been a shepherd. On a day when he was to deliver food to battle his brothers met with a cruel giant Goliath of the enemy was raging, when danger threatens, David used a stone thrower and managed to destroy Goliath. Michelangelo's statue of David to establish a gallant young man, being robust and resilient, a pair of sharp eyes shining, slightly bowed his head, glanced toward the front of wrath, while the left hand holding "stone thrower" is resting on her shoulder, as if ready at all when to send the deadly attacks to enemies. The statue was strongly radiated courage and strength of the fighter for justice.
For the sake of Michelangelo's statue has spent about 3 years, making it almost reached a level flawless condition. Success, as an expert sculptor Michelangelo made the most of the time. by the time it is placed on the ground in front of government buildings of Florence, until today you can still enjoy these outstanding works.
In 1503 because ketersohorannya in Florence, the Pope of Rome at that time, Julius II invited him to Rome to follow the manufacture of the tomb of the Pope, recently instigated the envy of artists, the project had to be stopped. In 1508, Michelangelo returned to Rome, forced to work on ceiling fresco for the Sistine ceiling of the church that has not once he mastered it well. Angry feelings when it is mixed with sadness and unexpectedly mural (fresco ceiling) is actually later became its greatest works.
Sistine ceiling fresco broad reach about 500 m2, in the history of art is one of the largest murals. Michelangelo in the middle of the hall was put up scaffolding / torch has continued to paint religious pictures with 9 units are not standard sizes, all took the theme of the story of Genesis through to the Flood of Noah's Ark, a row is called:
God Separating Light from Darkness (God separates light from darkness),
Creation of the Sun and Moon (Creation of the sun and the moon),
God separates the mainland from the ocean (God separates land from Water) 4.
Creation of Adam (The Creation of Adam),
Creation of Woman (Creation of Woman),
Beguiled and Expelled from Eden (Original Sin),
Pengkurbanan Noah (The sacrifice of Noah),
Flood (The Flood),
Noah's drunkenness (Drunkenness of Noah).
Fresco work of these giants requires completed 4 years later. Because tilting the head during a long period of time to paint with great difficulty, the neck and neck to be straight and rigid, since then he needs to head up the picture and read the letter.
Fresco ceiling:
Among the group mural, considered the most prominent. The design shows Michelangelo has obtained clues supernatural inspiration, he made Adam as a central body, as if Adam had just woken from a deep sleep and being lazy with comfortable lying on her side and her body seems still shorthanded. But the brave young figure of Adam is realized by the painter filled with a maximal ideal of beauty and the hidden latent vitality. Adam reached out to touch the hand of God who has blessed him with life and vitality mengalirinya. The touch of the finger of God and the human finger is the focus point of the entire painting, also without a doubt is the symbol of the whole. The thing that makes people to repeatedly contemplate is Michelangelo did not let his hands are touched together and emit a magic creation of God. The distance has become a bit adrift sekejap waiting has left a lasting and eternal imagination space.
The second year, Julius II died, his successor Pope Leo X decided just make statues for the tomb of his predecessor. Michelangelo produced three works of marble, is one of them famous. In his work, the sculptured style of Florence and the style / nature of the space of Rome has merged seamlessly into one and a great success. Two other works of each are: and also including works by Michelangelo carving the most successful.
Along with it he built a chapel for the Medici clan in Florence, passed a group of sculptures are full of meaning,,,. Along with that also accept deposits from the Pope of Rome to create a giant mural. The images began in 1541 and after the last 6 years can only be resolved.
It says in the Bible, when Judgement Day comes, Christ will conduct the hearing terakir, to punish the wicked and bless the good and determine the final destination of mankind. In the middle area of this painting, Christ is seen immediately raised his right hand will emit the Last Judgement. On the left there is a group of followers of Christ who suffer thanks to their faith and each of them holding equipment and complained to the persecution of Christ.
Michelangelo put on the new akirnya almost 6 years to complete the picture, even once fell off the scaffolding and broke his leg but he is with the steadfast determination have completed these magnificent works of the nuances.
Senior years Michelangelo lived in Rome and his love of buildings, especially in the field. At 20 years terakir his lifetime, he was with very great passion plunged to his field of building projects, designing and organizing the work of St. project. Peter's cathedral is the building design drawings for the entire cathedral was all designed by him. High creativity in the field of building construction makes it a famous expert on the Renaissance in Italy.
February 18, 1564 89-year-old Michelangelo died in office.
Speaking up here reminded of many famous figures of ancient Chinese is also often a complete science and kewiraannya, or either of them at once to master the science of astronomy, earth science, rhymes and poems, painting, music and Mathematics. Chinese people today after the 1949 Communist Party fed to the culture, sometimes reasonably assume ancient people not as smart as people now and not semakmur ancient times today. But the little we are willing to step out of frame circle party culture and history check out some of the material, the flow of the long journey from the past history of human civilization up to now will find a lot of glorious pages that makes people admire him now with awe
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