Dec 2011
Dec 2011
Guitar is a stringed musical instrument made of wood with some parts of the metal / metal and there are 6 straps / strings to be played. The top and bottom of the figure 8-shaped guitar body. 6 strings attached Pegs or the player who pulled the strings throughout the guitar body. Pegs / Tuning used for string players.
The instrument is very well known. Just by picking the strings, the people directly joined together. At a party you can play the guitar to sing and dance. While the resulting sound itself like a small Orchestra.
Guitar sound has a romantic nature. Therefore, the song "Romance" is best suited when sung with a guitar. In addition to the traditional guitars, then there are several other types of guitars. For example, Hawaiian guitar that uses a slide system; then there is a guitar that uses a nylon string (classical guitar and folk guitar), and some are using metal strings (steel guitar).
A. History of guitar
The authenticity of the guitar can not be seen from its antiquity. Some experts feel this tool comes from the African continent, where many modern replica in the form of round like a clamshell box with Gut / silk yarn, in many regions of the continent. Other experts find this tool in the form of glass in an old stone reliefs reliefs at the time of Ancient Central Asia and Asia. Materials other thoughts also arose with the discovery of ancient Greek vase patterned vase. Greek Strings is probably the first tool to be categorized as a guitar. Possibility stems from the modern guitar Spanish guitar, but different types of guitars such as the instrument of instruments that we can see dilukisan painting in Medieval times and Renaiassance that is widely available throughout Europe.
Here is the place where the historic discovery of the guitar from Medieval times until the 20th century, based on the history and development.
1265 Juan Gil of Zamora claimed the early history of the guitar starts from "Ars Musica".
1283 -1350 Moresca Guitar Guitarra Latina and found on the poem "Archpriest of Hita".
1306 A guitar player playing at a religious place (The Feast of Westminister) in the UK.
1487 Johannes Tinctoris argues that the instrument invented by the Catalans.
1546 Alonso Mudarra create a composite "Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras The vihuela" that involves a guitar in it.
1551 - 1555 Nine tablatur guitar books published by Adrian Le Roy.
1600 - 1650 Various types of tablatur for guitar published. Its popularity began to rival the lute (a type of guitar as well).
1674 book "Guitarre Royal" which was published by F. Corbetta who raise the popularity of the guitar. This book is dedicated to King Louis XIV.
1770 - 1800 into six strings on the guitar and it all added to a single String.
1800 - 1850 Guitar experiencing its popularity peak in terms of appearances and publications. Fernando Sor, Mauro Giuliani, Matteo Carcassi and Dioniso Aguado is the famous composers who write, teach and publish their compositions.
1850 - 1892 A Manual Torres guitar manufacturers develop the next generation that we know today.
1916 Segovia held a concert at the Ateneo, which is the most famous concert hall in Madrid at the time. Previously known instrument can not be displayed on this big event.
I. Development of the guitar in the East in ancient
Entrusted with the history of the guitar came from the East In. There were archeolog find instruments and objects concerned with it as a benchmark in the world came from little known guitar. Among the historic objects found in Babylon, the most relevant is the Plaques are made of clay (1900-1800 BC), which are shown in the figure of nude figures playing musical instruments instrument.
Some of the instruments that the instruments have a general equation similar to the guitar. Further analysis proved that there is a difference between the body and neck. The back of the guitar is very flat; where the back of the guitar is attached to the chest of a priest. This is enough to prove that there is no possibility of such instruments are shaped Bowl-Shaped / bowl. It is clear that the right hand was plucked string / rope rope. Unfortunately the number of strings is not clearly visible strings.
But on the other Plaques are at least two strings. Proof of evidence of the instrument instrument that resembles a guitar has been seen; Syria, Susa (an ancient city in the North Persian Gulf: the capital of the Persian empire).
II. Egyptian and Roman
At first, the only stringed musical instrument in Egypt is a bow-shaped harp / Bow-Shaped. Some time later, the instrument has a neck that is characterized by Frets, and may be made from yarn silk yarn / Gut hanging dileher. In the end some of the parts and characteristics that would become an instrument associated with guitars and stringed instruments as well as all instruments that have a neck, with the method of picking and lowered his head. Subsequent developments make these instruments more equal form of the guitar.
Instrument the instrument from the Roman era (30 BC - 40 AD) are all made of wood that were previously made of goat skin. This instrument has 5 parts small earpiece. Characteristic feature is valid until the 16th century. An instrument was found dikuburan Coptic in Egypt, where the basic form shown in the guitar, there is considerable curvature in the curvature of the curve with the curve next to the back of a very flat. Front and rear surfaces are united by a piece of wood pieces that form the sides of this instrument. These characteristics can be found until now.
III. Mid-Century in Europe
The first European stringed instrument which began in the third century AD Analysis of the 3rd century proves that the instrument has a round sound box to connect to a wide neck. This type of instrument used to continue a long period. There are also descriptions of other instruments began in the Carolingian Dynasty which probably came from France or Germany.
Instruments of this Carolingian or rectangular, has a length approximately equal to the neck, the tip of his neck a little wider and has a string tie a small string / Small Pegs. In another illustration, the instrument of this instrument had 4 and 5 Pegs Pegs diinstrumen other. The number of these strings together and plucked strings in 2 ways: With a finger or using a plectrum / string picker tool. Carolingian instrument is not changed until the 14th century.
Guitarra Latina and Guitarra Moresca
There is a difference between Latina and Guitarra Guitarra Morisca. Morisca word was brought by people of Arab descent. oval-shaped sound box and have a lot of the earpiece. At the time of his journey through Egypt, the majority of people from Africa and Spain deploy the main characteristic features of the design of this guitar is an instrument to instrument makers in Western Europe. The same possibility is that the first Spanish guitar is made in Europe. Only certain of the Arab influence in Spain is the beginning of the emergence of the guitar. The Guitarra Latina had curved sides, which is expected to come to Spain from several countries in Europe. This form is a type that developed into a modern guitar.
Successful achievement of the guitar has to do with the nature of the nature of the nomadic tribe of troubadours. On the way to Catalonia through the Spanish guitar through tribal Troubadours. Troubadours tribe held a section of Europe tours and performances, as well as enrich the musical culture is widely and provide a major influence in spreading the guitar on this continent.
IV. The 16th century
Until the mid-century information is important information about the guitar and the lineage has been described in item numbers and images on reliefs reliefs. It becomes a belief on the fact that no direct and inevitable. Beginning in the 16th century, the form of instruments are instruments that exist now are the facts straight. Guitars guitar at age 16 is distributed as the vihuela from the time of Luis Milan, Rizzio Guitar Guitarra Battente from France and from Italy.
The vihuela
The vihuela was from Spain, where this instrument is put together four small vihuela and stringed 5 Guitarra. At the same time comes the new tools of Lute. Instrument favored by the nobility in almost the entire continent of Europe. Spain is a special exception. Lute has also become one with the people of Arab descent who determines the rules of its own rules. For such nobility felt humiliated because the instrument is also used by the settlers.
Later aristocrats popularized the Guitarra with 4 strings are the same / Double-Strings. Along with its development, a guitar with 4 strings was enlarged and given the same six strings / Double-Strings. Rules of the game the same and with the exception of the strings to three, which was down a half tone. One of the famous vihuela player is Luis Milan, was born in 1500.
Luis Milan in 1535 published a book called Libro de Musica de vihuela de Mano Intitulalo "El Maestro". This book is a work of paramount importance to Milan. Recent data vihuela in 1700 which represents the end stage of instrument development. The instrument is made of metal engraving, vihuela has a curvature along the sides of a deep and oval sound hole. Popularity of this instrument is evidence of the quantity of music that still exist. Tablatur written in this instrument, each line represents a string and the tablatur Spain and Italy, the top string represents the ultimate in strings. While in England and France on tablatur Vihuelanya strings strings, its note values indicate various types of notes and get to the heart at the top. Kinds of kinds of notes is similar to the existing notes.
Tablatur first published work of the Spanish vihuela by Luis de Milan in 1535, Luis de Narvaez in 1538, Alonso de Mudarra in 1546. Tablatur collection consists of the composition of the best instruments in the Renaissance in the 16th century, the golden age for Spanish vihuela music.
Guitar strings 4 (Four Course Guitar has 4 pairs of strings, guitar-shaped body and flat soundboard, bridge of the lute and the back half is made but not too curved to form spheres. The instrument is sized like a kids guitar)
4 stringed guitar native of Egypt, one of which came from Europe and experienced many changes in shape and varied stringed 3, 4 and 5 strings. Stringed guitar is the most popular until the late Middle Ages.
4 guitar strings tones in Italy have G, C, E, A. And his tone is different in Spain notation is G, D, F #, B.
5 Guitar Strings
Mid-day, the existence of stringed guitar 3, 4, and 5 at the same time began to appear. In the 15th century, stringed instrument with four double-strings soared in popularity. 5 double-stringed guitar strings are first found in an engraving in Italy. The name and type of guitar is five strings Guitarra Battente that has characterized the back curved out.
Tuning for this instrument is A, D, G, B, E.
V. The 17th century
King Louis XIV of France can play a guitar and recognized the guitar as his favorite instrument. His teacher is one of France's famous guitar player; Robert de Visee (1650-1725). Jean Baptiste Lully was a famous composer at the time. He plays guitar and compose music for the instrument.
Name the name of guitar players in the Baroque period in France has been recorded in history, for example Rene Voboam representing the peak of French instrument making in the 17th century. He made the guitar in 1641 that showed a more guitar-making beronamen. Alexandre Voboam and his son Jean also makes a nuanced guitar of the 17th century.
VI. Influence in Germany
In Northern Europe precisely in Germany, his popularity peaked guitar; Heinrich Schutz (1585-1672), Samuel Scheidt (1587-1654) and Johann Hermann Schein (1586-1630). An example of a German first guitar that still exist to this day made by Jacobus Stadler in 1624. He has a distinctive curvature and the back plain and also show the influence of Italian design. A guitar made the 17th century by a monk, John of Apsom have a very different design than other guitars. The back of the guitar is decorated with images images "Crucifixion".
European guitar makers of the most prominent is Joachim Tielke of Hamburg (1641-1719). Homemade guitars decorated by materials ivory, tortoise shell, ebony, gold and silver, mother-of-pearl, wood jarcanda. Her work always has the highest quality and consistent. Beside it was part of his work made of ivory with carved images of Genesis.
VII. Influence in Eastern Europe
In Czechoslovakia, Koruna 'luthier' attempts to adapt to the type Battente guitar. In addition to the five double-strings like a guitar Battente the original, there Koruna extra guitar one single-string used to play the 'Melodic Line'. Guitars guitar made by Andrees Ott, an expert instrument maker from Prague showed the influence of Italy.
History of Poland represented by Jakob guitar Kremberg, poets, singers, and composers from Warsaw. The importance of the work Kremberg also gives us important information about tuning the guitar, is a tone lower than the tuning of the instrument of the present instrument.
VIII. Spain and Portugal
One of the prominent guitarist at the time was Francisco Corbera. He dedicates his work called Guitarra y de sus differencias Sonos to Philip IV, king of Spain from 1621 until 1665. But France's most prominent guitarists in the 17th century is Gasper Sanz.
Sanz learn the guitar in Italy and also the organ and music history. He became an organizer in the King's Chaples in Naples. By the time he returned to Spain, he published three books about guitar music in the years 1674, 1675 and 1697. These books contain extensive teaching courses in improvisation and performance, using two main methods: strumming and Plucking. He believes strumming technique is very suitable for dance music. Tuning used is A, D, G, B, E.
IX. Influence in Italy
The main factor that popularized the guitar in Italy and who enriched the guitar literature is the introduction of Spanish style guitar picking. Because of that guitar in Italy is also known as Chitaria Spagnuola. Picking style is inherited from the vihuela technique adapted by the Spaniards for their guitars. Chitaria Spagnuola is a common technique in the 17th century and the use of "Spanish Guitar" continues to this day as the continued use of the 17th century.
Two techniques are very different guitar strumming and the techniques Plucking and exist together in Italy in the 17th century. Picking technique is expressed in the form of notation tablatur. Strumming of Chords dedicated by special notation developed by the Italian composer composer of the 16th century and 17th century.
X. The 18th century
In the 18th century, an increase in the amount equal to the composer guitarist. As for some of the famous composer at the time, among others; Johann Arnold (1773-1806), Friedrich Baumbach (1753-1813), and Johann ChristianFranz (1762-1814). Most important aspects of guitar music in Germany in this century to use the instrument in a variety of combinations of "ensemble". For example: a guitar and flute, guitar and bass, guitar, violin and bass.
Players player and composer of 18th century composer
One of the composer is Trille LaBarre, he authored compositions for solo guitar, guitar and violin, guitar and singing. Another composer; Antonie Lemoine (1763-1877) a "Virtuoso" who compose and play the famous with the violin. B. Vidal played a role as a player, teacher and composer. He wrote Nouvelle Methode.
6-stringed guitar
6 stringed guitar is an innovation that comes from the 18th century. The guitar came from Italy and very popular and very popular. The reason the reason is;
1. Guitarra Battente of Italy, which appeared in the late 17th century and the early 18th century, experienced a change to 6 strings. There are two strings where each string (double-strings).
2. In 1732, Majer JBFK creating stringed guitar tunning on 6.
3. 6 stringed guitar that comes from Germany, made by Otto, is based on the Italian method.
XI. The 19th century
In the early mid-19th century, a renewed interest for the instrument was centered in the city of Vienna. City of Vienna itself the center of musical instruments and musicians from all over europe. Pertujukan musicians performing the initial impetus which gave the guitar to be a serious instrument. As Mauro Giuliani (1780-1840) the trend menginisiatifkan tour guitar for the guitarist. Then the Spanish guitarist Fernando Sor's famous Spanish Romantic era and one of them and the first guitarist to be invited by the London Pihlharmonic Society.
XII. The 20th century
Is the century in which we become witnesses to the development of unforeseen drastic guitar as an instrument for artistic expression. Also as the only century which welcomes guitar concert stage. There are two basic reasons popularity guitar:
1. Diakari by a phenomenon found in the 20th century. Development of revolutionary technologies and the development of mass media communication and transportation faster and efficient is visible aspect of its aspects. Radio, TV, record industry, satellite communications, transport jet has helped to demonstrate these instruments globally. Musicians can hold concerts throughout the world in a short time. They can reach a large number of spectators audience, not just spectators but also stage a concert audience at home to watch television, listen to the radio and via tape recordings (LPs, cassettes and CDs), also via the internet. The composer, player or listener, creating many opportunities to instill interest in playing guitar.
2. Although not as dramatic as before does not mean insignificant. This is an extension, the natural consequences of the developments that have occurred centuries earlier century. 19th Century be remembered as the century in which Francisco Tarrega (1852-1909) brought a guitar technique on a point of pure art, which has been ready to welcome the arrival of modern techniques. The renowned guitar maker like luthier Antonio Torres (1817-1892) developed an instrument with a few variations to this day can be recognized as a guitar. Even with this important event has realized the importance of the role of 20th century guitar.
B. Types of guitar
Usefulness of the guitar amplifier has not been used at this time. Amplification was introduced to the guitar "Dobro" / Resonator guitars started by Dopyera brothers, Slovak immigrants in America. They found the material innovations on the guitar when the guitar is made of metal material and the added metal plates (Pie Plate) with a certain thickness will increase the resonant voice that was 2 times greater and 2 times louder voice. This type of guitar is manufactured to be played with the orchestra and the music became very popular in the 1920s and 1930s among the Blues and Jazz musicians.
Then at the time of World War 2 the basic ingredients guitar "Dobro" is changed to wood, to replace the metal that is very expensive, only resonatornya are still using the metal material.
Along with its development, the guitar continues to experience a lot of innovation in accordance with the demands of its use. But the musician Country, Blues, and Jazz began creating various kinds of Tone and Sound that can be produced by techniques such as guitars from Bend, Sustain, and others.
Variations of the sound is also encouraging the development of Rock and Roll music that arose in the 1950's. Les Paul was the first to experiment with electric guitar sound at around 1940. The first electric guitar is a hollow-body / guitar hollow, sometimes in the form of two fruit-shaped sound hole S-Shaped at the front of the guitar body. In 1947 Paul Bigsby Merle Travis worked with designing solid-body electric guitar guitar as we know it today. A radio repairman Leo Fender was the first to successfully mass producing guitars of this type. So there is competition between a Fender guitar with Les Paul Gibson guitars made to date.
There are two common types of guitars that we know are:
The Pick Guitar and The Finger-Style Guitar.
I. The Guitar Pick
The Pick guitar is played by strumming the strings with a pick, a pick which is shaped like a flat round fruit Almond made from turtle shells or plastic.
Differences of this type of guitar is that there are 2 pieces of shaped sound hole S-Shaped at the front of the guitar body. The strings are made of wire and connected to the tailpiece / end of string fastener. Fingerboard / neck of the guitar adjacent to and is marked with lines of iron / name Frets. Frets is the place where the left hand fingers press the strings. Useful to make it easier for players to look for notes of notes and play with rhythm.
Since the mid 30's, Guitar Pick has been created / changed to Electric Guitar with installing or Contact Microphone Pickups under the strings. Then the pickup is connected to the loudspeaker. The Pick Guitar and Electric Guitar is the most commonly used in Jazz music, dance bands and rock groups.
In general, the number-string guitar has 6; then emerged with a 12-string guitar that is more commonly used in country music scene. In the decade of the 50s, emerging guitar with two necks (fretboard); a one stringed stringed 6 and only 12 (as is often used by John McLaughlin). Then came the guitar strings 7 (as they are commonly worn by Bucky Pizzarelli), even there are also guitar strings 10. Electric guitar and developing; Solid-Body (as already described above without sound resonance, until completely electrically sound) type hollow-body guitars and semi-hollowed. This type of electric guitar like that commonly used in the music scene rock / pop. This type of electric guitar also continues to use various kinds of sound effects.
Part of the Electric Guitar
Guitar is the most important elements in a band. Guitar that we know in this day and age and have the kind of diverse forms. But we will discuss this time is the essence of the guitar parts.
II. The Finger-Style Guitar
The Finger-Style Guitar is played by plucking strings with fingers. The strings are made of Nylon strings, silk and wire. This guitar has a loop earpiece. The Fingerboard has such Frets Guitar Pick, but more broadly. Many works from the classical masters, including Bach and Chopin, has arranged for guitar. Guitar, both of The Finger-Style Guitar or The Pick Guitar, often a favorite for local singers songs. A form of guitar music that is popular but hard Flamenco, Spanish Gypsy dance. [Geocities.com]...
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